Ever since his buff I haven’t seen many talk about him. How good is he currently? Personally I really like him but I don’t have him higher than a 4 star
The AI issues really affected him a lot. Even before that, I found his playstyle annoying and impractical for bgs. He is supposed to dash in during specials to deal huge damage, but he have no dot/stun immunity. Idk how that works.
I just inherently don't like the playstyle loop of punishing specials, and Gladiator takes it even further by having you try and punish during the specials. Even if he has a ton of damage and various bits of utility, I just don't value that over a safer playstyle.
It took me a long time to feel comfortable with intercepts (and I am still not there with Light intercepts), so maybe in a few years I'll be comfortable with special punishes.
It took me a long time to feel comfortable with intercepts (and I am still not there with Light intercepts), so maybe in a few years I'll be comfortable with special punishes.