5* phoenix, any good?

Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
Pulled her today


  • Eaglehero2Eaglehero2 Member Posts: 110
    Not really. Her PI is but PI isn't that good. Her stats aren't good either. But people use her too many but yeah.
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    She's fun to use and actually pretty good damage if you can get the cycle right. Specials are pretty weak
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    She's actually underrated. She's alot more useful Duped, but she does some significant Damage with 5+ Fury. 10 and you're golden. It just takes patience to build her up.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    add some ice to her and she'll be great!
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    Good for prestige. If you want to move up you gotta rank her
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    She's not bad if you know how to use her effectively, once you start building up furries and reach overload she deals lots of damage and stacks of incinerates but on the downside she's a bit brittle and not a good defender.

    All in all she's a high pi champ with some use and high damage capability once you get the hang of using her and her dupe ability can be useful to save yourself from certain death in close fights.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Yes, but only duped.
  • Ayushk12Ayushk12 Member Posts: 153
    She is pretty much a glass cannon kind of champ. You understand how she works and you'll be doing almost 2k damage on normal attacks, and those aren't critical hits. With 9 furies stacked I once got a hit of 8k against the skill symboid in aq.
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