You should rage quit me in Battlegrounds

Declaring my love for the game, I wanted to inform you that I i13, have a broken little finger.
Although this little finger doesn't alter my amazing gaming power within the game, I urge you all to take pity on me.
The tip of my finger is forever bent, no joke! And being fully honest, it’s perfect for holding my phone. But still take pity on me.
For I i13, declare from this day forward, I will also be known as “Bent-finger Bill!”
Although this little finger doesn't alter my amazing gaming power within the game, I urge you all to take pity on me.
The tip of my finger is forever bent, no joke! And being fully honest, it’s perfect for holding my phone. But still take pity on me.
For I i13, declare from this day forward, I will also be known as “Bent-finger Bill!”
Second that
Your brain is small as well
Anyway… you clowns gone an pushed me to Platinum 2!
Now I’m getting my arse kicked, can I request a demote?