Battlegrounds Matchmaking is Awesome



  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 262 ★★
    Here's my unpopular take. Get ready to hit that dislike button. If they forfeit at the ban screen, no harm, no foul. Why? Because some people have a time crunch. Example: Maybe they play on their lunch break or bathroom breaks( you know who you are lol). Trying to get a single match in. First opponent forfeits immediately at ban screen. Sweet I can start another match immediately. Now after that match I've earned 1.5 times the points in basically the same amount of time. Now if they forfeit after the ban screen, they are the ones costing us the points. If you are super outclassed, forfeit away at the ban screen. But if you stay, you better see it through to the end.
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 121 ★★
    Malchaeis said:

    Here's my unpopular take. Get ready to hit that dislike button. If they forfeit at the ban screen, no harm, no foul. Why? Because some people have a time crunch. Example: Maybe they play on their lunch break or bathroom breaks( you know who you are lol). Trying to get a single match in. First opponent forfeits immediately at ban screen. Sweet I can start another match immediately. Now after that match I've earned 1.5 times the points in basically the same amount of time. Now if they forfeit after the ban screen, they are the ones costing us the points. If you are super outclassed, forfeit away at the ban screen. But if you stay, you better see it through to the end.

    I see why you said unpopular take. You have just wasted the other persons 0-12s of accepting match time and then whatever time they have waited for the match making process.

    Just play the match out, or if you think you can’t win, just select your champs asap and do nothing when the fight starts. If your opponent is that much bigger than you then their AI would KO you in like 10-15s. So the match would probably end in over a minute.

    Then atleast you would be contributing 4pts /23pts for not forfeiting.
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 262 ★★
    edited October 2024
    Edited comment. Last was too long. Forfeit right away at ban screens earns us 45 points with elder marks in about 1 minute. . Regular Matches take an avg of 5 minutes at least. Both use elder marks we earn 68 points in 5 minutes.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Malchaeis said:

    Here's my unpopular take. Get ready to hit that dislike button. If they forfeit at the ban screen, no harm, no foul. Why? Because some people have a time crunch. Example: Maybe they play on their lunch break or bathroom breaks( you know who you are lol). Trying to get a single match in. First opponent forfeits immediately at ban screen. Sweet I can start another match immediately. Now after that match I've earned 1.5 times the points in basically the same amount of time. Now if they forfeit after the ban screen, they are the ones costing us the points. If you are super outclassed, forfeit away at the ban screen. But if you stay, you better see it through to the end.

    In the time it took me to read this I successfully made it to the end of the BG match even though I lost. Being under a time crunch and not being able to wait 15 seconds is absolutely absurd.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    MrBanks said:

    Shoutout to all of the uncollected and cav players in battlegrounds we’ll see the sun shine someday

    you have made it all the way to gold!!!
    and you are winning a match out of every few!!!
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    heck, if you stopped forfeting you may even snag another win or two here and there
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 193 ★★
    I just want to be able to leave without waiting for 15 seconds at the end of the match. It takes all of 2 to see that I have won or lost. I don't need more time to analyze, and if I did i can review it in match history.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    JMORG1111 said:

    I just want to be able to leave without waiting for 15 seconds at the end of the match. It takes all of 2 to see that I have won or lost. I don't need more time to analyze, and if I did i can review it in match history.

    This I agree with. There are several spots in a match where seconds could be shaved off here and there.
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 121 ★★
    Malchaeis said:

    Edited comment. Last was too long. Forfeit right away at ban screens earns us 45 points with elder marks in about 1 minute. . Regular Matches take an avg of 5 minutes at least. Both use elder marks we earn 68 points in 5 minutes.

    Or you could forfeit every match in that 5mins and you would be contributing more than 68 points.
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