Bounty Stealth Spidey counters?

Any suggestions who can counter stealth Spidey in the bounty missions?

Seems like you'll be in for a rough time regardless of who you pick?


  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    I used my R4 Ascended 6* Nick and just hit my way through it without reading the nodes. So I guess he works pretty well
  • MoostardMoostard Member Posts: 1
    I used a 4* ascended venom on the threat lvl 3 and it took me two revives bc I messed up, but as long as you dont really throw specials, he works perfect. He counters evade on all spidey champs.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,177 ★★★★★
    I used dust and mowed him down without any issue
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