Which champ of your own bg roster will you ban if the opponent has same champ at same/higher rank?

TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★
For example I have r4 ascended onslaught in my bg roster and will ban r3 7 star or even r27 star onslaught. I will ban Bullseye too but he isn't in my bg roster so that's different. I wanna know which champs are so powerful that even if you have them you don't wanna face them, even though that means you cannot use them either.

Which champ of your own bg roster will you ban if the opponent has same champ at same/higher rank? 107 votes

BigPoppaCBONEWorld EaterAzKicker316Syndicated10or_StrongJijinOurobørosAmaadAkiraBENNYJjcphillips7Spider_RicoBeastDadAdri5846The_Doctor_24_1odishika123ChrisRM93BuggyDClownNogood22GreenRaptor413Herohanoi 43 votes
Sligdfmoore26TotalMonster110captain_rogersCarracho01KueiGr8TonyStarkPaul_RuddGrassKnucklesAnsh_ARaiden01NoobMasterGMTherunekingToproller89LunerCatBigBlueMadness11 16 votes
bhuv9191TendersquadZsirhcZJakearoundUsagicassidyEwell65SSS69Bright4973JackTheSnackNONYABIZZSalve_maker05LickyTikkaMasalaNacho98Mgheat86dr2wsFlakk 16 votes
Alex_sc11Heinz11spiderbites0196spidyjedi84JuanmiP4LCuber2906 7 votes
NescioAwesomep12 2 votes
BigTuna_2054ThatGuyYouSaw235t123459PrentexpeixemacacoTripleBMrSpoonShenkCyrillFromTulaFinalfurykPotatoslice500Srr3000SkalamenkoKablammoRagnaruk5178 15 votes
Red skull
Warlock14Sunstar19Riryoku 3 votes
DrZolaLuciusVorenusGarloFrydayThePredator1001 5 votes


  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★

    I have r5 6* and I'll ban r3 7* sometimes, if that is their strongest defender.

    Photon, domino are insta bans for me. I removed myunduped domino from deck so the bans won't affect me.Similarly I didn't rank myphoton or nick cuz I wanna ban them always.

    Myserpent is 7* r3sig 125 so he always getsbanned even if opponent have a r3 as well, so I don't have to deal fighting a serpent.

    My domino is r3 unduped and still she gets banned all the time lol. Similar situation just like your serpent 😂
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Voted for bullseye mainly for his attacking and defensive purposes.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,487 ★★★★★
    i trust in me being able to draft my bro sym supreme if the opponent has a serpent
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 370 ★★
    It's amazing how you can spend so much time/resources to rank up a champion to not use them :D Is there any other game that has this? I find it crazy!
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Red skull
    Started fighting this dude such a time waster and very risky to intercept
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    I run a r3 Onslaught, Red Skull, Bullseye along with ascended Serpent, Photon, Enchantress as some of my primary defensive threats. So it's usually anyone's guess at who my opponent will ban.

    I however will ban Serpent if they have a r3 awakened. Once I have one myself, I won't do this anymore. Though, the one staple champ I always ban is a high ranked Domino. I just recently awakened my r2, but until I too have a r3 at sig 120+, their Domino will forever be sent to the shadow realm.
  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    Always ban Rhino. Just to keep myself in check.

    Dr. Zola

    Rhino is someone people forget exists, until they face them on defense.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    I have an r4s a serpent in the deck so if I ban him it’s probably a bigger one than mine. Usually if I leave him it’s because I matched a whale with some scary r3s so I have to let 6* serpent go. A 7* r3 will be banned without question tho
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,609 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Always ban Rhino. Just to keep myself in check.

    Dr. Zola

    Rhino is someone people forget exists, until they face them on defense.
    Damn isn't he broken this BG meta? Literally can't intercept.

    (Pretend slow and grit doesn't exist)
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,872 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    DrZola said:

    Always ban Rhino. Just to keep myself in check.

    Dr. Zola

    Rhino is someone people forget exists, until they face them on defense.
    Damn isn't he broken this BG meta? Literally can't intercept.

    (Pretend slow and grit doesn't exist)
    There are champs with high crit rating who can crit without the passive, so while he shines in defense this meta, He is not too hard to defeat.

    Destroyer on the other hand is instaban.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Always ban Rhino. Just to keep myself in check.

    Dr. Zola

    Rhino is someone people forget exists, until they face them on defense.
    Number one rule about Rhino is you do not talk about Rhino.

    Dr. Zola
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 835 ★★★★
    I don’t bother. I typically run enough weirdo picks in bgs that I always have enough meta picks on the opponent’s side to ban that I don’t have in my own deck. Even things like Photon or Serpent that I don’t like fighting against but also have in my own deck, I almost always leave the choice to ban them to my opponent. It’s their prerogative if they want to waste a ban on something that they also run, not mine.

    If I absolutely have to ban someone I have in my own deck, it usually is Photon. The one defender I really do not know how to deal with well, augmented by the fact that my only great counter I run is Zemo (who struggles to punch up against 7* r3s). Plus, unlike Serpent, she’s a significantly respectable attacker. Like I said though, I pretty much never actually ban her in practice.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★
    Serp God
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    None, only ban the ones I dont have and find annoying.

    Exactly, banning one of your own champs is stoopid
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  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★

    None, only ban the ones I dont have and find annoying.

    Exactly, banning one of your own champs is stoopid
    Not everyone is as smart as you are dude.
    You want in-game titles for hard core forumers, paragon crystals in birthday.

    That's sun temperature IQ bro.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    I think even when I awaken mine I will probably still ban him. Trusting draft RNG to avoid an unavoidable loss doesn’t work for me
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    edited October 2024
    None, I rely on my Serpent always being banned and none of the other ones are problematic.

    Edit : I mainly ban Serpent counters on the off chance he isn’t banned. I apologize if I face you in bgs.
  • giuppy04giuppy04 Member Posts: 16
    I never ban my own champions, there are always others in their deck that I don't have and I ban those. When my opponent bans his own champions because I have them too I always think something like "so you like easy wins", you like using them only if you don't have to fight them too...
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    Only one on my roster that I'd also ban
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    That is the only good thing about not having a majority of these 🤣🤣🤣, I could freely champs I don't have.

    I would ban Serpent & Onslaught, and whatever highest ranking anything from Enchantress, Red Skull, Nefaria, Havok, Dust, Kindred, Spider Punk oh and Man Thing ( right @captain_rogers?). 🤣
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 268 ★★
    edited October 2024
    Sunspot 7* r3, mine is 7* r2. But I usually don't ban my own champs.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★

    None, only ban the ones I dont have and find annoying.

    Same here. I can usually find an annoying champ that I don’t have ranked up.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,162 ★★★★

    None, only ban the ones I dont have and find annoying.

    Exactly, banning one of your own champs is stoopid
    Not everyone is as smart as you are dude.
    You want in-game titles for hard core forumers, paragon crystals in birthday.

    That's sun temperature IQ bro.
    This made me laugh a little too much!
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    None, only ban the ones I dont have and find annoying.

    Exactly, banning one of your own champs is stoopid
    Not everyone is as smart as you are dude.
    You want in-game titles for hard core forumers, paragon crystals in birthday.

    That's sun temperature IQ bro.
    Lmao, I know realistically none of that would happen but a guy can wish, amiright. And yes not everyone is as smart as me, thanks for the compliment
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