Luke Cage

Uhhh... I hate my life... CUZ I PACKED AS MY FIRST 5* LUKE CAGE! And a friend of mine packed some seconds after my fail an 5* Archangel... Who knows how I have to use him? I hope that someone can help me... Ciao! SeeYouInHeaven
-Love, yours truly,
Not gonna sugercoat it, LC isn't anything epic. But if you have him, may as well use him, so here's a few things that make him better (i got a 4-star rank 4 from way back when, and he still carries his weight this way)
Courage Mastery
Precision and Cruelty Masteries
Energy Resistance (optional and situational)
Stupefy Mastery (This is a big one for him)
Perfect Block and Parry Mastery Combo
Cage's got two things going for him. He drops critical damage as he hits folks, so that can help curb some of the damage coming at him, and his Resist Physical gives a huge boost to his defenses. My Cage has taken a L2 from a 5/50 level 79 Hulk, while at half life, and survived it thanks to that Resist Physical. His second and third Specials actually do pretty damn good damage too, for someone without Fury.
-Play Parry-heavy if you can, to get openings to lower crit damage with Exhaustion from light attacks.
-Each Exhaustion stack boosts his chance of stunning with Specials by 10%, so you can tie an enemy up if you get low on life or they get a full bar of power.
-He can't bleed and has good physical defenses.
-All of his specials can stun, and that's gonna be your bread and butter with him.
Be careful around energy attackers like Cyclops, Magneto or Iceman as his Resist Physical means nothing to their specials. Beyond that, test him out and see the numbers he gives you for yourself. Stat-wise, my Cage is exactly as strong as an Ultron of the same rank and rarity with the exception of Critical damage and rating, which are FAR SUPERIOR to Ultron. Really the only low damage he actually does is with his S1. Have fun, and good luck with him.