Next 7* r3

Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★
This rankup is purely for bgs. I was originally just gonna pull the trigger on red skull but with Medusa’s buff & scream’s release I don’t think he’s gonna be as great of a defender as he used to be. He’s still a great champ tho so he’s still on the list as an option, I’m just not 100% sure I go with him now. Tech is the only class I have no r3s in, I have one r3 in each of the other two classes (maestro & pig)

Next 7* r3 80 votes

Red skull (Unduped)
GyanemdjerSairam44Sagacious0wlZuroBen_15455BFITZ7RiptideThePredator1001CyrillFromTulaFinalfurykDanish0528Anas262713579rebel_TheHercWarbird87MRpopoiZiggi 17 votes
Guardian (sig 64 with 6* r2 HB relic)
dfmoore26Logan00AleorScarfacemtgShenkHerohanoiOakenshieldThe_0wenpuswillrun4adonutLickyTrongNovEdisonLawSuper_Cretu90MachoGamerAwesomep12dr2wsPhantomSnekOnepieceisnotreal 18 votes
Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)
AshyKnucklesLordSmasherPolygonWolf911RenaxqqAsyalolUzzy131004MethodMan69Kingering_KingSkalamenkowestendbearFriendly001Darthbane3141Alone13 14 votes
Silk (unduped)
MasterduxSceptilemaniacDoom_and_Gloomjayb8008svilariumcaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69DocWestSymBioteX23Shamir51SpecMNogood22NONYABIZZWild_Meat84Wasy1FrostGiantLordTribalChiefHonorable_BluJayMikes_momSagaChampion 31 votes


  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★
    Guardian (sig 64 with 6* r2 HB relic)
    I'm biased but he is also Fantastic
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 967 ★★★
    Guardian (sig 64 with 6* r2 HB relic)
    He’s so good, not this GC meta but he is brilliant, Hulkbuster relic makes him unstoppable,
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★

    I'm biased but he is also Fantastic

    dr2ws said:

    He’s so good, not this GC meta but he is brilliant, Hulkbuster relic makes him unstoppable,

    Yeah his damage is pretty wild. At r2 with suicides his basic sp1 sp2 rotation is good enough for rol healthpools. I was doing those fights in sub 35s consistently
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★

    My R3 was always banned even unduped.

    I wouldn’t mind not having to deal with serpent, lol. When he wasn’t banned, how did he hold up on defense? Seems like he has more counters when unawakened.
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 831 ★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)

    My R3 was always banned even unduped.

    I wouldn’t mind not having to deal with serpent, lol. When he wasn’t banned, how did he hold up on defense? Seems like he has more counters when unawakened.
    He’s a R3 so very tanky and a lot of block pen, definitely has more counters when unawakened but it’s Serpent, he can still cook.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★

    My R3 was always banned even unduped.

    I wouldn’t mind not having to deal with serpent, lol. When he wasn’t banned, how did he hold up on defense? Seems like he has more counters when unawakened.
    He’s a R3 so very tanky and a lot of block pen, definitely has more counters when unawakened but it’s Serpent, he can still cook.
    Fair enough. My main issue with r3ing serpent is that I still want to ban him at r3, and this would sorta force me to stop doing that, or at least do it with a higher cost.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Guardian (sig 64 with 6* r2 HB relic)

    My R3 was always banned even unduped.

    I wouldn’t mind not having to deal with serpent, lol. When he wasn’t banned, how did he hold up on defense? Seems like he has more counters when unawakened.
    He’s a R3 so very tanky and a lot of block pen, definitely has more counters when unawakened but it’s Serpent, he can still cook.
    Fair enough. My main issue with r3ing serpent is that I still want to ban him at r3, and this would sorta force me to stop doing that, or at least do it with a higher cost.
    If you don't have a counter, you would struggle just as much with r2 imo. I have him 6r4 ascended and given he's almost never to be used offensively, it's already good enough imo
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)
    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    Tried to sneak in Luke cage as if silk can't take out 95% of every mystic defender WAYY faster than Luke can.

    Also guardian nearly has no offensive utility. I haven't even r2'd mine cos of that, I use him whenever the opponent has a domino and that's about it

    I agree with everything else but the Silk and Luke cage sneak
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    All good points. The main meta matchups I know Guardian works for are domino, (obviously) killmonger, maybe photon and maybe bullseye. There’s likely others but these are the main ones off the top of my head.

    Red skull is probably a better domino counter and defender, but there are more counters out there that completely shut him down, he’s definitely not as scary as he used to be. He’s still a solid attacker but I think would struggle in versatility compared to guardian.

    Silk is a great nuke, but I agree im not sure where I’d use her. Other than sassy mystic defenders aren’t that scary anymore, and I already have pig white tiger, and hulk for sassy. She would be nice for r3 onslaughts but that’s not top of my priority list.

    Serp would be cool but again I want to ban duped r3s and there are plenty of them out there, so taking him up would go against my ban strategy.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)
    NONYABIZZ said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    Tried to sneak in Luke cage as if silk can't take out 95% of every mystic defender WAYY faster than Luke can.

    Also guardian nearly has no offensive utility. I haven't even r2'd mine cos of that, I use him whenever the opponent has a domino and that's about it

    I agree with everything else but the Silk and Luke cage sneak
    I didnt only mention Luke, i mentioned Spam and Hulk too. But in regards to Luke you already know he does sassy better than her, but besides him, he can also shut down Kindred entirely with his double concussion.

    Silk probably has some matchups where shes better like Destroyer, or Enchantress but don't sleep on Luke
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 831 ★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)
    NONYABIZZ said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    Tried to sneak in Luke cage as if silk can't take out 95% of every mystic defender WAYY faster than Luke can.

    Also guardian nearly has no offensive utility. I haven't even r2'd mine cos of that, I use him whenever the opponent has a domino and that's about it

    I agree with everything else but the Silk and Luke cage sneak
    Luke Cage is the safest option for like every big mystic defender and still manages to be somewhat speedy. I also don’t see silk taking Serpent 🤷‍♂️
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Silk (unduped)

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    All good points. The main meta matchups I know Guardian works for are domino, (obviously) killmonger, maybe photon and maybe bullseye. There’s likely others but these are the main ones off the top of my head.

    Red skull is probably a better domino counter and defender, but there are more counters out there that completely shut him down, he’s definitely not as scary as he used to be. He’s still a solid attacker but I think would struggle in versatility compared to guardian.

    Silk is a great nuke, but I agree im not sure where I’d use her. Other than sassy mystic defenders aren’t that scary anymore, and I already have pig white tiger, and hulk for sassy. She would be nice for r3 onslaughts but that’s not top of my priority list.

    Serp would be cool but again I want to ban duped r3s and there are plenty of them out there, so taking him up would go against my ban strategy.
    You can definitely r3 unduped serpent he still takes out a good chunk of health unless opponent uses a direct counter. But if you r3 him it would be pointless to ban serpents after that, something you have to consider.

    Edit : looks like you got a r3 Maestro as well. So definitely go with serpent. It is highly unlikely the opponent will draft two mystics to counter two big cosmic defenders, so you most likely can score a W with one of em if you have both at r3.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

    What scores does she get against photon? Waiting for the miss to expire would stall allong with photons tankiness.

    Silk is definitely a top option for Onslaught, however OP mentions they have Hulk. aside from Onslaught and the mystics, I think Hulk would take a lot of other matchups with better scores than Silk would. Like Domino, Weapon X, Dust , Shocker, Thing etc
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,349 ★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    For everyone saying "Guardian has no offensive utility", "no meta defenders"
    Ik that kp isn't a meta defender but these are my only Guardian kills since almost everyone bans guardian for me, these guys didnt so..

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

    What scores does she get against photon? Waiting for the miss to expire would stall allong with photons tankiness.

    Silk is definitely a top option for Onslaught, however OP mentions they have Hulk. aside from Onslaught and the mystics, I think Hulk would take a lot of other matchups with better scores than Silk would. Like Domino, Weapon X, Dust , Shocker, Thing etc
    Silk is great against everyone you mentioned except domino. Also silk can take out photon in 60 or so secs just manually trigger the miss and launch your sp2 while the miss is on cooldown. Silk's utility to dex specials always comes handy.

    Actually silk can take unduped serpents as well I once did a serpent r3 fight unduped in 85 secs. But not her best matchup or something
  • Hulk808Hulk808 Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Silk (unduped)

    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

    What scores does she get against photon? Waiting for the miss to expire would stall allong with photons tankiness.

    Silk is definitely a top option for Onslaught, however OP mentions they have Hulk. aside from Onslaught and the mystics, I think Hulk would take a lot of other matchups with better scores than Silk would. Like Domino, Weapon X, Dust , Shocker, Thing etc
    Silk is great against everyone you mentioned except domino. Also silk can take out photon in 60 or so secs just manually trigger the miss and launch your sp2 while the miss is on cooldown. Silk's utility to dex specials always comes handy.

    Actually silk can take unduped serpents as well I once did a serpent r3 fight unduped in 85 secs. But not her best matchup or something
    That guy never votes, but always has something to say. Lol
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    I'd personally go with Silk, just because Serpent is a literal instaban in BGs, and you'd be shooting yourself in the foot by ranking up both. Guardian with HB relic is solid, but imo Silk is the better choice
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Silk (unduped)
    shield311 said:

    For everyone saying "Guardian has no offensive utility", "no meta defenders"
    Ik that kp isn't a meta defender but these are my only Guardian kills since almost everyone bans guardian for me, these guys didnt so..

    You kinda proved nothing. I said guardian is my top option for domino. Guardian beat didn't take much damage from bullseyes bleed cos of his bleed resistance which is a DEFENSIVE utility, I'm not even gonna try to undermine you or him. That bullseye fight was very impressive, I've personally never been able to take out bullseye and get a respectable score unless I place a bullseye and my opponent sucks more than me 😔.

    That kingpin fight, all you did was bait sp1's called it a day 😂.

    Guardian is in the same boat as sunspot and maybe juggernaut, fast but no utility. They seem to be at the top of the communities votes so kudos to them at least

    EDIT - How did you take that bullseye so fast. I'm guessing it wasn't a r3 6* cos you're fighting against a legend so it was most likely a r5 asc. How'd you get past his evade?
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    Silk (unduped)
    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

    What scores does she get against photon? Waiting for the miss to expire would stall allong with photons tankiness.

    Silk is definitely a top option for Onslaught, however OP mentions they have Hulk. aside from Onslaught and the mystics, I think Hulk would take a lot of other matchups with better scores than Silk would. Like Domino, Weapon X, Dust , Shocker, Thing etc
    Hulk WOULD NOT take out mystics better or faster than silk. Hulk has a stun lock, silk can finish a fight in an Sp2 and evade any special making her take literally no damage from blocked hits.

    Silk is overall a BETTER BG attacker than hulk. Arguably the best science battleground attacker. Wtf
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    Red skull (Unduped)
    I would ban an unduped Skull over an unduped Serpent if both were rank 3.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    I see silk has taken a lead here. I like her as a champ and wanted to r3 her eventually but was always waiting to dupe her. Which matchups am I missing out on by her having unawakened?
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★
    I also realized today that I didn’t take the sigs from SoS into account for guardian, so he’d more accurately be at sig 94 and not 64. My mistake
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    Silk (unduped)

    I see silk has taken a lead here. I like her as a champ and wanted to r3 her eventually but was always waiting to dupe her. Which matchups am I missing out on by her having unawakened?

    Only thing tbh.does sassy quicker at high sig. That's it
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★

    I see silk has taken a lead here. I like her as a champ and wanted to r3 her eventually but was always waiting to dupe her. Which matchups am I missing out on by her having unawakened?

    Only thing tbh.does sassy quicker at high sig. That's it
    Oh lol
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)
    Hulk808 said:

    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    Guardian: He has the damage for sure but how many meta relevant matchups will he work in since his dps being shock is problematic for a lot of defenders , and ironically most of those being at a class advantage. Sure you could use him for other matchups like mystics but wouldn't it better to just use a science nuke there.

    ALTHOUGH, he could have some defensive value. I would argue it be more than red skulls defensive value since so many red skull counters have been coming up. (Ironically if this was a few months ago everyone would've told you Red Skull was the better defender.

    Silk: all around amazing champ with good utility but since BGs is your focus Im not entirely sold on her r3. Given all these "DLL style" defenders weve been getting, it seems like the matchups she's taking are becoming less and less. Sure she takes onslaught, enchantress and a few others, but wouldn't Luke be better than her against most of the mystics? Spam be faster anyway and still have defensive value? Not sure if shes faster than Hulk. There's also the AI being less willing to cooperate with intercepts to hinder building up her debuffs

    As much as I love Luke, silk has atleast twice the damage output of Luke, and she got more utilities. The evade is very useful and she can take defenders like photon onslaught and enchantress.

    Spam has better damage, but silk can do non mystics faster than spam actually especially with these Ai issues defenders hardly throw specials while having many power stings. Also silk is not rng dependent.

    What scores does she get against photon? Waiting for the miss to expire would stall allong with photons tankiness.

    Silk is definitely a top option for Onslaught, however OP mentions they have Hulk. aside from Onslaught and the mystics, I think Hulk would take a lot of other matchups with better scores than Silk would. Like Domino, Weapon X, Dust , Shocker, Thing etc
    Silk is great against everyone you mentioned except domino. Also silk can take out photon in 60 or so secs just manually trigger the miss and launch your sp2 while the miss is on cooldown. Silk's utility to dex specials always comes handy.

    Actually silk can take unduped serpents as well I once did a serpent r3 fight unduped in 85 secs. But not her best matchup or something
    That guy never votes, but always has something to say. Lol
    Yet ive still managed to provide more insight for OP than you 🤣. You contribute nothing of value.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Serpent (Unduped and my 6* is r4a s200)

    I see silk has taken a lead here. I like her as a champ and wanted to r3 her eventually but was always waiting to dupe her. Which matchups am I missing out on by her having unawakened?

    For BGs it wont make much difference, its mainly helpful for War/Content
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