Elite Bounty explanation please

YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 196
Is anyone able to do elite bounty already, or is that only in week 4? (as read in elite bounty breakdown)
I was only able to do 3 paths in normal bounty so far.
Maybe I lost some entry along the way, because as soon as you click on a drone, the previous bounty falls away?
I am a bit confused...


  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 298 ★★

  • YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 196
    OK, seems I missed 1 elite boss this week somehow... Might have done Jack's hunt before finishing the first bounty, and lost 1 bounty in the process by opening the drone before completion of the bounty.
  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 298 ★★
    3 keys per week via calendar for Jack"s bounty
    that gives you additional entries for bounty missions.You can take bounty mission entries and via alliance bount event.
    Then with 5 wins per week you open the elite mission (check your bounty events)

    We take 12 keys from calendar for jack's bounty
    24 entries for bounty missions (+4 if you explore every weeks jack's bounty)
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