New 7-star champions and the titan pool

RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★
edited October 2024 in General Discussion
To be honest, with this month's additions and the six from the banquet event, we're reaching a point where there are very few champions left with the potential to enter the Titan Crystal.

I see three possibilities:

1. A change in the way the Titan Crystals work (Unlikely)
2. They’ll have to start adding meta characters (Possible)
3. They’ll add champions from other events, like Omega Red, Longshot, etc. (I think this is the most likely)

When I talk about meta characters, I'm referring to the more accessible ones; I think we can forget about Hercules, CGR, Magik, and Quake...

I’m talking about Valkyrie, FAM, Scorpion, Galan, Absorbing Man—those types of champions, good or even very good, but not overpowered.

Honestly, I wouldn’t want good champions to be restricted to events only. The additions to the Titan Crystal, in my opinion, have become increasingly uninteresting. I’m not saying that Black Widow, Infamous, Hood, and Nova are bad; I just don’t think they’re good enough to be in the same pool at the same time. I imagine that Kabam tries to control this and that they aim for a balance, as the crystal can’t be too strong, but it also can’t be too weak.

Moreover, a crystal that isn’t too strong allows for more Titan Shards to be distributed in events since the crystal won’t be as valuable.

On the other hand, the pool changes in a very short interval, meaning that few shards would result in few openings and less access to new champions in the short term.

What do you think about all this?


  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Um, do you even know how titans work???
    Titans are the featured crystals for 7* champions. They ADD the new champions who just got released into the titan. Then add another random 2 new 7* champions those 2 new champions could be good or bad.

    The titans were never a means to get BROKEN 7* champions but a chance to get NEW 7* champions that's why their values skyrocketed. The value of the titans will depend on how good the new champions mostly are that's why the titan before this SUCKED because ALL the new champions SUCKED. It's not supposed to be for BROKEN champions or who has potential to be in a titan.

    If the champions are good then the value is GREAT if not, the value of the titans takes a deep dive into hell.

    Also kabam has been VERYY generous with the acquisition of titan shards recently. Many players including myself have been able to HOARD our shards and reach great amounts for when those trash champions leave hopefully in December. In every new endgame content that gets put out, they give out titan shards IN BULK so let's not try to act like kabam haven't been generous with them.

    And finally, this titan is WAYYY better than the last, it took great willpower to not just pop mine as I want all the new champions who got added especially black widow except Idoom(I don't like him at all). All the recent NEW champions have been actually good and so they will be a great addition to anyone's roster.

    I'm not opening this one because all the GOOD champions that are in this one will also be in the next one and the next one will also have GOOD champions in it like scream, spiral and potentially dazzler and will also HOPEFULLY kick out a few disasters ( Patriot, leader(who I've always Pulled 🤡), arcade etc
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★★
    By my knowledge, any champions introduced from a 7* go straight into the base pool, Kabam Crashed said that last years Gifted Guardians 7* champions (Diablo, Adam, Moondragon, Sandman, Shocker and someone else) will be coming into the base pool by December or January.

    Well it’s Mutant and Mystic November, Kabam purposefully didn’t release the class of December (correct me if I’m wrong though) There’s only 1 Champion for December, so logically there will be 3 that are only available as a 6*, here’s my Predictions:

    Cosmic: Galan (Strong chance here as one of the few goated cosmics left other than CGR, Herc, Hulkling etc that aren’t already 7*.)
    Skill: Valk is a good shout, if not I’d say Stealth Spider Man
    Science: Cassie or Ibom
    Tech: Viv Vision

    I have a good feeling next Titan Pool is gonna be the best one yet, considering the goat Silver Sable is leaving too (I think)
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 764 ★★★★

    dr2ws said:

    By my knowledge, any champions introduced from a 7* go straight into the base pool, Kabam Crashed said that last years Gifted Guardians 7* champions (Diablo, Adam, Moondragon, Sandman, Shocker and someone else) will be coming into the base pool by December or January.

    Well it’s Mutant and Mystic November, Kabam purposefully didn’t release the class of December (correct me if I’m wrong though) There’s only 1 Champion for December, so logically there will be 3 that are only available as a 6*, here’s my Predictions:

    Cosmic: Galan (Strong chance here as one of the few goated cosmics left other than CGR, Herc, Hulkling etc that aren’t already 7*.)
    Skill: Valk is a good shout, if not I’d say Stealth Spider Man
    Science: Cassie or Ibom
    Tech: Viv Vision

    I have a good feeling next Titan Pool is gonna be the best one yet, considering the goat Silver Sable is leaving too (I think)

    You sable haters will perish once she gets a god tier buff and becomes the next Kate bishop of the skill class (Creating my own happiness).
    Kabam will NEVER let us get another champion that has that level GREAT DAMAGE which can be accessed super quickly, and can be maintained the entire fight, is great for short, medium and long fights and has a LOAD of utility.

    But they sure are okay with giving us bullseye and serpent

    I will NEVER retire the statement that bullseye is a broken defender. From the block damage to the unbypassable evade and counterattack his quick recoveries to EVERYTHING.

    DLL literally said he REGRETS Kate's damage and says she is broken but considers the mastery switchers to be balanced.

    I know I'm derailing this thread but I just had to rant.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,785 ★★★★★
    NONYABIZZ said:

    dr2ws said:

    By my knowledge, any champions introduced from a 7* go straight into the base pool, Kabam Crashed said that last years Gifted Guardians 7* champions (Diablo, Adam, Moondragon, Sandman, Shocker and someone else) will be coming into the base pool by December or January.

    Well it’s Mutant and Mystic November, Kabam purposefully didn’t release the class of December (correct me if I’m wrong though) There’s only 1 Champion for December, so logically there will be 3 that are only available as a 6*, here’s my Predictions:

    Cosmic: Galan (Strong chance here as one of the few goated cosmics left other than CGR, Herc, Hulkling etc that aren’t already 7*.)
    Skill: Valk is a good shout, if not I’d say Stealth Spider Man
    Science: Cassie or Ibom
    Tech: Viv Vision

    I have a good feeling next Titan Pool is gonna be the best one yet, considering the goat Silver Sable is leaving too (I think)

    You sable haters will perish once she gets a god tier buff and becomes the next Kate bishop of the skill class (Creating my own happiness).
    Kabam will NEVER let us get another champion that has that level GREAT DAMAGE which can be accessed super quickly, and can be maintained the entire fight, is great for short, medium and long fights and has a LOAD of utility.

    But they sure are okay with giving us bullseye and serpent

    I will NEVER retire the statement that bullseye is a broken defender. From the block damage to the unbypassable evade and counterattack his quick recoveries to EVERYTHING.

    DLL literally said he REGRETS Kate's damage and says she is broken but considers the mastery switchers to be balanced.

    I know I'm derailing this thread but I just had to rant.
    And the more funny part is people didn't even realise her potential, youtubers didn't hype her, and we ended up picking Shang form the poll lol.

    I agree, bullseye is definitely a unfair defender, especially when you still get bleed damage if you skillfully dex his entire specials.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,688 ★★★★★

    NONYABIZZ said:

    dr2ws said:

    By my knowledge, any champions introduced from a 7* go straight into the base pool, Kabam Crashed said that last years Gifted Guardians 7* champions (Diablo, Adam, Moondragon, Sandman, Shocker and someone else) will be coming into the base pool by December or January.

    Well it’s Mutant and Mystic November, Kabam purposefully didn’t release the class of December (correct me if I’m wrong though) There’s only 1 Champion for December, so logically there will be 3 that are only available as a 6*, here’s my Predictions:

    Cosmic: Galan (Strong chance here as one of the few goated cosmics left other than CGR, Herc, Hulkling etc that aren’t already 7*.)
    Skill: Valk is a good shout, if not I’d say Stealth Spider Man
    Science: Cassie or Ibom
    Tech: Viv Vision

    I have a good feeling next Titan Pool is gonna be the best one yet, considering the goat Silver Sable is leaving too (I think)

    You sable haters will perish once she gets a god tier buff and becomes the next Kate bishop of the skill class (Creating my own happiness).
    Kabam will NEVER let us get another champion that has that level GREAT DAMAGE which can be accessed super quickly, and can be maintained the entire fight, is great for short, medium and long fights and has a LOAD of utility.

    But they sure are okay with giving us bullseye and serpent

    I will NEVER retire the statement that bullseye is a broken defender. From the block damage to the unbypassable evade and counterattack his quick recoveries to EVERYTHING.

    DLL literally said he REGRETS Kate's damage and says she is broken but considers the mastery switchers to be balanced.

    I know I'm derailing this thread but I just had to rant.
    And the more funny part is people didn't even realise her potential, youtubers didn't hype her, and we ended up picking Shang form the poll lol.

    I agree, bullseye is definitely a unfair defender, especially when you still get bleed damage if you skillfully dex his entire specials.
    I still wished they changed that. You shouldn’t take damage if you are able to dex the entire special but apparently he can’t miss
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    NONYABIZZ said:

    dr2ws said:

    By my knowledge, any champions introduced from a 7* go straight into the base pool, Kabam Crashed said that last years Gifted Guardians 7* champions (Diablo, Adam, Moondragon, Sandman, Shocker and someone else) will be coming into the base pool by December or January.

    Well it’s Mutant and Mystic November, Kabam purposefully didn’t release the class of December (correct me if I’m wrong though) There’s only 1 Champion for December, so logically there will be 3 that are only available as a 6*, here’s my Predictions:

    Cosmic: Galan (Strong chance here as one of the few goated cosmics left other than CGR, Herc, Hulkling etc that aren’t already 7*.)
    Skill: Valk is a good shout, if not I’d say Stealth Spider Man
    Science: Cassie or Ibom
    Tech: Viv Vision

    I have a good feeling next Titan Pool is gonna be the best one yet, considering the goat Silver Sable is leaving too (I think)

    You sable haters will perish once she gets a god tier buff and becomes the next Kate bishop of the skill class (Creating my own happiness).
    Kabam will NEVER let us get another champion that has that level GREAT DAMAGE which can be accessed super quickly, and can be maintained the entire fight, is great for short, medium and long fights and has a LOAD of utility.

    But they sure are okay with giving us bullseye and serpent

    I will NEVER retire the statement that bullseye is a broken defender. From the block damage to the unbypassable evade and counterattack his quick recoveries to EVERYTHING.

    DLL literally said he REGRETS Kate's damage and says she is broken but considers the mastery switchers to be balanced.

    I know I'm derailing this thread but I just had to rant.
    And the more funny part is people didn't even realise her potential, youtubers didn't hype her, and we ended up picking Shang form the poll lol.

    I agree, bullseye is definitely a unfair defender, especially when you still get bleed damage if you skillfully dex his entire specials.
    I still wished they changed that. You shouldn’t take damage if you are able to dex the entire special but apparently he can’t miss
    Bro is like the art team
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★
    I don't know why so many disagree, I think it's the most toxic community I've ever seen by far.

    I created the post to discuss the current state of crystal and speculate which champions would be good additions, that's all.

    Obviously this involves champion longevity, the competitive meta and planning that we don't have access to. The point is to have a healthy discussion about which champions that were or are competitive as 6 stars that you hope or think could have been released.

    I don't know if you've ever stopped to think about something extremely obvious, but the champions that go to titan will eventually go to the basic pool.

    The champions that go to other crystals, that are released in other ways or in other events, we don't know when they will go to basic or if they will.

    The only exception is the banquet crystal, which we know that in 1 year the champions will go to basic.

    The only guarantee we have is that those who are in the titan crystal will go to the basic pool and the basic pool is getting worse and worse. And no, the titan is not a "featured crystal", Kabam made it clear at the launch that the proposal was to be a rare crystal, but with good or relevant champions in some way, which is why we won't see any "Iron Patriot" in the crystal. Suggesting that there could be a slightly better and more relevant champion in the meta in the titans is not absurd at all, it's expected, in fact.
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