Pyro for the Australians 1st champ Lizard for everyone in forums Puck to teammate with Rocket and Ham Executioner and Fandral from Asgard realm Captain Britain with Henry Cavill model Spidey with paper bag when FF4 movie starts
Blue Marvel Nico Minoru so we can finally finish A-Force Firestar so we've finally got Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) Union Jack Shaman Snowbird Wonder Man Mockingbird White Fox Nighthawk Dr Spectrum Crystal
They can do what they want with the other half of the year.
Pyro for the Australians 1st champ Lizard for everyone in forums Puck to teammate with Rocket and Ham Executioner and Fandral from Asgard realm Captain Britain with Henry Cavill model Spidey with paper bag when FF4 movie starts
I just want some more new mutants and gen x representation. Give me legion, chamber, husk, skin, wolfsbane, cannonball, mondo, Penance, m etc etc. Would also love some dark x men or generation hope stuff like emplate, zero, hope, azazel or maggott
Edit: Not who I want or care for really but good chance we will see Agatha Harkness and Black Tarantula next year too.
I'd love to see Okoye in the game to add to the Black Panther family. And If she's added, I hope she won't be a copycat of Jabari Panther. 😅
Pyro for the Australians 1st champ
Lizard for everyone in forums
Puck to teammate with Rocket and Ham
Executioner and Fandral from Asgard realm
Captain Britain with Henry Cavill model
Spidey with paper bag when FF4 movie starts
All Summoners
King in Crimson Carnage
Nico Minoru so we can finally finish A-Force
Firestar so we've finally got Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)
Union Jack
Wonder Man
White Fox
Dr Spectrum
They can do what they want with the other half of the year.
Honorable Mention: Black Winter
Cosmic: Blue Marvel
Science: Lizard
Skill: Phil Coulson
Mystic: Dweller in Darkness or Mandarin
Mutant: Shadow King or Sebastian Shaw
Wonder man
Grim reaper
Damien Hellstrom
Mystic: Daimon and Satana Hellstrom, Blackheart, Agatha, Clea, Nightmare, Surtur
Science: Blue Marvel, Wonder Man, A-Bomb, Amadeus Cho, Hank Pym
Skill: Madame Hydra, Echo
Mutant: Selene, Nate Grey, Hope Summers, Vulcan, Blob, Cannonball, Mystique
Tech: Super Adaptoid (AIM), Bastion, Iron Lad, The Maker