The connection between the monthly promo codes and December's champ:ISOPHYNE!

December=Purgatory=Kabam originals=ISOPHYNE

Btw, she might have some boss like connection to Purgatory, cuz Knull is the boss of symbiotes=Scream. And Mojo is the boss of Spiral. Now, Purgatory...
December=Purgatory=Kabam originals=ISOPHYNE

Btw, she might have some boss like connection to Purgatory, cuz Knull is the boss of symbiotes=Scream. And Mojo is the boss of Spiral. Now, Purgatory...
SHE IS ISO-8, the very thing that controls the strength of every being in the battlerealm, she better have REAL potent weaknesses and furies, and a great aar too, why? Because Kingpin for example can weaken and reduce ability accuracy of Champs with a negative version of ISO-8, well, she herself is ISO-8 and can control it, maybe even better than Carina does, so she should be able to do it even better than him