Looking to form new retirement/banquet alliance, any interested please respond

Looking for a minimum 5k spend on banquet, will run 1BG of AW and AQ but that’s completely optional.
Line not required but I will be on there and we can make a group just for general chat (ID is TP33 as well)
Seen a lot of players on here looking for retirement/banquet only alliances but everybody seems to be a mandatory AQ/AW sweat these days. Any interested do message on here or in game (again name is TP33)
Line not required but I will be on there and we can make a group just for general chat (ID is TP33 as well)
Seen a lot of players on here looking for retirement/banquet only alliances but everybody seems to be a mandatory AQ/AW sweat these days. Any interested do message on here or in game (again name is TP33)