Your thoughts on Arcade?

I have seen that people kinda have mixed reviews about him. Some love him and some completely hate him. Regardless, everyone says he is great as a defender but okayish as an attacker. Is he worth ranking up to R5 or even R3?
On attack his damage is okay, again could use a buff but I can live with bad damage. The buff I most want though is just that he keeps his prefights until the opponent is dead, not just for one fight. He has a lot of neat utility behind his prefights, including valuable immunities, and it sucks to lose them because you messed up once. When I use him I go “wow I can use him to cover several fights here, what great role compression” and then “oh wait that depends on his prefights, if I die and lose them I’m stuck. I need to bring backup options” and finally “if I’m bringing a bunch of champs to handle every fight Arcade does in case he loses the prefights why am I bringing him anyways?” Like I could use him for hazard shift, except I need to bring actual immunities in case I die with Arcade so like what’s the point of using a team slot for him objectively speaking (I’d use him anyways because I like him but it’s not really sound logic).
TLDR I like him and would rank him up, but definitely could use a buff on attack (duh) and maybe even defense (controversial?). Please at least let him hold onto his prefights after dying.
As an attacker, his damage is very low in comparison to other tech champs. It takes forever to defeat an opponent. Utility is good but i see him falling in the same boat as CASW in the meta. Except i enjoy playing with CASW and find Arcade clunky
Vox is perfect counter as he also prevents his auto block
I wouldn’t mind a damage bump, but we’lll see when his balancing releases next month
You can safely throw a heavy and he lose his autoblock charges. Basically any poison immune champs can destroy him. Bait sp1, throw a heavy, and repeat. Hulkling cgr and other top comics easily defeat him.
And on attack he inflict all kind of damaging debuffs and you don't have control of which to use, so you'll get punished by a lot of champs and nodes.
While we are here, what do you guys think about Northstar? Is he being used anywhere other than necro type content? How does he compare with other long form champs like Kate Onslaught Bill? Would love to know your opinions.
BMcG, Nick136 and a few others. Even if he is good in long fights, there’s always a champion who’s gonna outshine him in nearly every way
I just think he's neat
(Although a little tune up it's more than welcome)
I think he’s used a lot in arena.
Arcade is a pretty good attacker this season