Sparky in BG attack - poise charges

PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
He is my latest R3 at sig 25 atm, he hits so hard and counters some annoying defenders, really fun to play.

However, while building up poise charges i always feel it lasts too long and i am losing too much time.
I feel like 5-6 is enough in most situations, but when you want to use as little hits as possible to not give them too much power (like against Photon or Bullseye) i try to go for 10

How do other Sparky users play him in BG, how many charges do you build before really starting to attack? Curios on your experiences


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    I ranked him up today and he hits hard.I took down a r1 destroyer with r2 spidey in 35 secs. And a ascended rintrah in 60secs. He is great for crit me meta against champs like rhino nova nd destroyer where you can't use normal champs.

    I want to test him in regular meta since everyone can crit in this meta, he doesn't seem special.

    I wanna know how you guys contantly build poise charges without getting clipped or without shallow dexing? I would love more insights on how to usehim properly.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    He's one my newest R3s. I usually just build between 8-10 given the matchup. After that, it's usually over extremely quickly. When building poise, I usually keep my finger pressed down after the dex so I go into block. Starky has a very fluid dex, so you usually don't need to worry about getting clipped, but in the off-chance something does happen you're at least only taking slight chip damage instead of a full combo.
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