Sparky in BG attack - poise charges

He is my latest R3 at sig 25 atm, he hits so hard and counters some annoying defenders, really fun to play.
However, while building up poise charges i always feel it lasts too long and i am losing too much time.
I feel like 5-6 is enough in most situations, but when you want to use as little hits as possible to not give them too much power (like against Photon or Bullseye) i try to go for 10
How do other Sparky users play him in BG, how many charges do you build before really starting to attack? Curios on your experiences
However, while building up poise charges i always feel it lasts too long and i am losing too much time.
I feel like 5-6 is enough in most situations, but when you want to use as little hits as possible to not give them too much power (like against Photon or Bullseye) i try to go for 10
How do other Sparky users play him in BG, how many charges do you build before really starting to attack? Curios on your experiences
I want to test him in regular meta since everyone can crit in this meta, he doesn't seem special.
I wanna know how you guys contantly build poise charges without getting clipped or without shallow dexing? I would love more insights on how to usehim properly.