Doubt regarding Deadpools ultimate multiplayer bonanza alliance super season

Pekka4900Pekka4900 Member Posts: 29
During this event, I was kicked out of the alliance after alliance had achieved 12 milestones and I had claimed the rewards upto 12 milestones. So I joined a new alliance, but now I'm unable to get rewards for milestone 13 and above even though I've collected the minimum points in the new alliance. Also I've waited for the minimum cooldown time after u join a new alliance. What to do?


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,392 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Unfortunately there is nothing that you can do due to the way that alliance events work, aside from going to an alliance that hasn't made it that far in the event.
    If an alliance event has individual milestones, then you must be part of the alliance at the time they achieve those milestones to be able to claim them. If your new alliance already completed those milestones, then there is no point where you will be able to claim them. This is done to prevent players from changing alliances to collect additional rewards.
    It works differently with max milestone events, like summoner advancement and summoner engagement.
  • Pekka4900Pekka4900 Member Posts: 29
    Ok,got it. Thanks for your time👍
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    This event is awful for that very reason. I missed out on the emote and the first full week because I took 24hrs to find a decent alliance instead of joining a garbage one. They really didn't think it through or give us enough warning. Had they done so alliance leaders could have made decisions earlier and had conversations with people. I would gladly have sacrificed last aq rewards to not miss 1/2 of this months side quest. Just awful. It really isn't right. The 'contribution' lock is supposed to stop players who don't participate from claiming full rewards. It shouldn't punish daily players like this event did. I'm mostly sore about the emote but 7k 7* shards missed is no laughing matter either.
  • Pekka4900Pekka4900 Member Posts: 29
    Pandingo said:

    This event is awful for that very reason. I missed out on the emote and the first full week because I took 24hrs to find a decent alliance instead of joining a garbage one. They really didn't think it through or give us enough warning. Had they done so alliance leaders could have made decisions earlier and had conversations with people. I would gladly have sacrificed last aq rewards to not miss 1/2 of this months side quest. Just awful. It really isn't right. The 'contribution' lock is supposed to stop players who don't participate from claiming full rewards. It shouldn't punish daily players like this event did. I'm mostly sore about the emote but 7k 7* shards missed is no laughing matter either.

    Same... I'm sad about the 7* shards
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