Looking for knowledge

This IS NOT, I repeat, IS NOT an allegation of cheating. I lost and I lost fairly. I just want to learn what I don't know.

In GC with the current meta. My Onslaught is r4 sig 140. Didn't catch the rank of Silk but assume it's 2 or 3. I get a r4 Onslaught at a mid sig isn't super potent. I want to find out what I don't know about Silk. I'm assuming my opponent is quite deft at intercepting but how did Silk wreck me in 26 seconds? I don't have a high level Silk and have never played with her so I want to learn what about her mechanics or kit that allow for such a large whooping in a short period of time.
Any and all insight is appreciated.

In GC with the current meta. My Onslaught is r4 sig 140. Didn't catch the rank of Silk but assume it's 2 or 3. I get a r4 Onslaught at a mid sig isn't super potent. I want to find out what I don't know about Silk. I'm assuming my opponent is quite deft at intercepting but how did Silk wreck me in 26 seconds? I don't have a high level Silk and have never played with her so I want to learn what about her mechanics or kit that allow for such a large whooping in a short period of time.
Any and all insight is appreciated.
Gonna be honest. I've never been good at interpreting these. Let's assume I'm kind of dumb.
Every hit is going to place a physical vulnerability debuff. If you do backdraft intercept, you can stack a bunch of them before the opponent throws a special. Each hit is going to do progressively more damage, and since intercepting means guaranteed crits it's gonna go up real fast. If you can do MLLL, MLLL, MLLLH to SP1 cancel, which is doable before Onslaught throws an SP1 (and that looks like what may have happened), it'll hurt like crazy. Since there is "other" damage, then it looks like they got a relic in there which can also extend the debuffs. They probably got like 22 of those physical vulnerability debuffs and averaged like 15k per hit toward the end.
Based on the fight stats, they may have baited an SP1 prior to intercepting into the relic and ending with the special.
I'm pretty sure there might be a better way to play her, but I don't know it. I think there's a way to squeeze some more hits in there somehow.
Note: I cannot play sill that well. I just do a combo into heavy, then relic then heavy in sp2.