Friendly001 said:Apoc is a very good champ for questing.
Apoc is a very good champ for questing.
shield311 said:Questing - apoc, void, corvusBgs - mantis, manthing, attuma, korgAll rounder - sinister, longshot, sim, xbones, tigra, sassy and rg Also highly depends on your progression since all mentioned bgs chamos arent worth upgrading except mantis maybe if your tb or above
Questing - apoc, void, corvusBgs - mantis, manthing, attuma, korgAll rounder - sinister, longshot, sim, xbones, tigra, sassy and rg Also highly depends on your progression since all mentioned bgs chamos arent worth upgrading except mantis maybe if your tb or above
Bgs - mantis, manthing, attuma, korg
All rounder - sinister, longshot, sim, xbones, tigra, sassy and rg
Also highly depends on your progression since all mentioned bgs chamos arent worth upgrading except mantis maybe if your tb or above
Sinister I’ll have 7 star soon, already have 7 star Mantis (she’s awesome). There are just so many choices, and so little gold.