The pain

9.1 completed and 8.3 and 8.4 explored. It wasn't easy with 8.4.3 sassy boss. Atleast now I know never fight him without warlock(he's the only counter I have) luckily I was doing the incinerate path and brought my 5* ascended HT. Took some tries but finally down.
All this struggle only to get him

Duped terrax for the first time, pulled mr negative and cap america sam Wilson for the first time from 7* basic. Are they good unduped?
On another note

All this struggle only to get him

Duped terrax for the first time, pulled mr negative and cap america sam Wilson for the first time from 7* basic. Are they good unduped?
On another note

That said Negative is probably a bit hit or miss on whether you like him or not, especially with current AI meaning you have to play rather particularly to trigger your evade and ramp up. His damage is good but not spectacular as well. Try him out and see if you can get down with him, if you’re willing and able to work with him he’s far from bad.
But he is still wayy better compared to lot others in titan