Will this become a Trend going forward to 2025... ?

MizuriNicoleMizuriNicole Member Posts: 265 ★★★
This was discussed throughout the time but Kabam seems to still stick to it.

Why implement and push new champion designs that mostly designed to only counter the best 1 Champion ?
Few examples:

Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Jack 'O'Lantern

I could debate that maybe Leader and Northstar belong to the list too.

This whole culture of create a big threat to release a dedicated only solution IMO hurts the game.
I would not make this poll if the above champion could counter 3-5 at least champions Great.
Im not asking for MVP or GOD-TIER champs...

Like, I bet if we had access to statistics, this current 7-star JackOlantern offer on Web for 500$ probably going to be
one of the lowest spent and bought lol.


  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    U played negasonic ?? She counters whole skill class lol.
    What's wrong with perfect counters ?? U want another serpant ??
    - many have 7* r3 onslaught if u want to counter buy and u will have a great counter
    - many wouldn't buy because in Nov they will spend money 🤷 better offers are coming
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 280 ★★★
    It's always been this way with the game, it's not a new 2024 thing. Like with peni parker with hulkling and galan added as super counters, or knull and then wiccan arriving that countered everything knull does
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★
    How does negasonic counter 1 champ?

    All her effects are passive so thats any shrug or clense skill champ off the list.

    No contact attack therefor any champ that requires contact is off the list (attuma, electro etc)

    Passive stun + countering counter evade (kate, mordo, elsa, bullseye etc)

    Jack is new so i’m not sure about him much yet to give my thoughts on him


    Patriot i agree with, he has nothing special in his kit that makes him exactly a good champ to use. His whole thing is about being able to take on multiple debuffs but his interaction with them are too limited. He also has no way to play around champs with defensive abilities like evade etc.

    would be cool if per debuff on him he increases his defensive ability accuracy by 10% and lowers the opponent by 10%
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★
    Steam97 said:

    It's always been this way with the game, it's not a new 2024 thing. Like with peni parker with hulkling and galan added as super counters, or knull and then wiccan arriving that countered everything knull does

    Pretty sure white tigers entire thing is being a hard counter to gorr.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★
    Negasonic does counter the skill class but what's the point? She's useless for bgs as she's extremely slow and for questing there's better alternatives, good for select nodes and champs like attuma yes but that's what op meant, she’s unusable in bg attack unless r3 to get decent time.

    Almost every skill champ already has a faster and better alternative counter than negasonic, she's just too slow and kabam not buffing her just makes it worse 🤷‍♂️

  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Fryday said:

    Not rebalancing Iron Heart, NTW or Serpent was a mistake.

    So real, they have been tuning down attackers and defenders in the past like namor (i still haven't forgotten, nerfing him and then immediately releasing champs like cgr and herc lmao), abs man (defensive), bullseye and maybe a few more which im forgetting, and tuning up dud releases to make them better but this year was really a mess in that aspect
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★
    edited October 2024

    Never see NTW used for Killmonger, Atuma or Nick Fury.
    Id like to see SS or Vids of those fights executed and of course the nodes (BG Season meta )
    otherwise its a words to air for some who stated she counters whole skill class.

    White Tiger nowadays mainly used against Serpent and Hulkling.
    I no where near see Gorr if any at all in GC players.

    Imo ntw is purely a attuma counter for me, korg is nowadays countered by anyone and fury is also countered by alot of champs but attuma lacks that many counters so ntw makes sense in that scenario.

    White tiger can also counter most cosmic defenders and she can also do nick but that's all i knoe about her
  • MizuriNicoleMizuriNicole Member Posts: 265 ★★★
    I agree that NTW and Iron Heart needed rebalance.

    I dont agree on serpent needing rebalance. the only problem many counter against him
    is the **** AI behavior.
    If the AI was plain smooth people could nuke 45-47k constantly at least again him.

    The fact that you can 100% come out against him with White Tiger, Chavez & Kushala says a lot
    while against Bullseye its rarely you can get 100% full HP unless its Mr.Sinister...
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,372 ★★★★
  • MizuriNicoleMizuriNicole Member Posts: 265 ★★★
    @AverageDesi sorry but I cant take you serious further moving on.
    MSD can make even Kamala Khan OP and in BG as well.
    Wrong example.

    If you claim or fight for a champion, with claims, be mature enough to show your own examples
    and showcases.

    Again, Top Notch celestial players is NOT a factor of example otherwise lets give Kabam the option
    to release champions to Top 1000 players ONLY !
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,091 ★★★★

    @AverageDesi sorry but I cant take you serious further moving on.
    MSD can make even Kamala Khan OP and in BG as well.
    Wrong example.

    If you claim or fight for a champion, with claims, be mature enough to show your own examples
    and showcases.

    Again, Top Notch celestial players is NOT a factor of example otherwise lets give Kabam the option
    to release champions to Top 1000 players ONLY !

    Just ignore them. One of the worst posters on this forum.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    Actually this is not a new phenomenon. For a long time we had such stuff where a champ is designed to counter 1-2 particular champ who happen to be good for other fights as well. Nowadays it seems like they are missing out the second part lol.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,645 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Patriot in my opinion needs a tune up. Not for his damage because it’s fine, but just let him counter stuff other than Photon. Like his signature ability should be extended to all classes (except mutants). His steadfast which is activated at 10 debuffs makes him unreliable for unblockable opponents other than science. I think they should lower it to 5 debuffs. He counters miss, but not evade, which is kinda important for a skill champion.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,645 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Fryday said:

    I would agreed with @MizuriNicole with some points.

    For me @Asher1_1, the problem NTW, Patriot and I would add Iron Heart in here too with the list. Is that their Design Power budget is so low that even those they design to counter they are not doing it fast, which lead to many players would rather use other champ instead on these hard counter.

    NTW is mean to hard counterto Bulleyes, and Iron Heart to Dust, and I would always pick Warlock to counter both, over NTW and Iron Heart. NTW counter almost the whole of the Skill, but she does much slower than many other champs, and in MCOC more time in a fight mean more chance to mistake, AI issue, lag, which actually mean less safe.

    @Steam97 , I think that is the point, Galan, Hulking and Wiccan are all amazing outside their hard counters, right now the community are not even asking for a champ at Hulkling level, just that these champs (Iron Heart, NTW, Patriot), just be good enough to be relevant (i.e players actually picking them for the match they meant to do).

    Moleman SOS is a perfect examples, that match should be perfect for NTW, but no one bother using her.

    Kabam are so scare of Power Creep, that they already nerf these champs Design Power budget to the ground before the start of the design.

    While at the same time, the budget for Defender is over the roof.

    Peni might be a hard Def when she first come out, but there were already counter for her before Hulkling and Galan, Venom and Venompool work just fine. While with Serpent even now when we meant to have hard counter, you would still lose out on time in BG.

    The year direction in champions design is very unbalanced. Not rebalancing Iron Heart, NTW or Serpent was a mistake.

    They are clearly afraid of Hercules, the true immortal God King of MCOC. Strongest champion in the contest. So much so that even though these champs should be powerful, Kabam is limiting their power, just because of Hercules. The closest thing to a Herc level champ this year is Serpent and he’s basically a defensive Hercules.
  • MagicsolMagicsol Member Posts: 125
    Fryday said:

    Wait so the only example we have of NTW winning a BG, is the one where MSD is using her against the best match up she can have, and even then it took MSD 62s and the opponent have to go against Serpent.

    Well this might be the best proof that NTW needed a tune up. 👏👏👏
    Sorry homeboy, next time i'll have to predict you're gonna have a mental breakdown on forums for X champion so from now on i'll have to record every fight for you and wait for you to make a post so I can drop my 10GB battlegrounds fights with said champion.
    On a serious note, r3 negasonic has been working wonders for me in BGs,defensively aswell occasionally if she catches someone offguard with the counter evade,I finish M2-M1 every meta,does this make my opinion valid?

    We all know MSD is a very talented player but he did nothing insane in that fight, played normally like it was supposed to be with minimal risks, so don't try to use him as an argument when he gives you an example you asked for.
    P.S She has like 43.5% crit chance with the stat focus on? She crits so much for me.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,736 ★★★★★
    Negasonic is busy on her phone she doesn't even acknowledge us. 🤣
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Fryday said:

    I would agreed with @MizuriNicole with some points.

    For me @Asher1_1, the problem NTW, Patriot and I would add Iron Heart in here too with the list. Is that their Design Power budget is so low that even those they design to counter they are not doing it fast, which lead to many players would rather use other champ instead on these hard counter.

    NTW is mean to hard counterto Bulleyes, and Iron Heart to Dust, and I would always pick Warlock to counter both, over NTW and Iron Heart. NTW counter almost the whole of the Skill, but she does much slower than many other champs, and in MCOC more time in a fight mean more chance to mistake, AI issue, lag, which actually mean less safe.

    @Steam97 , I think that is the point, Galan, Hulking and Wiccan are all amazing outside their hard counters, right now the community are not even asking for a champ at Hulkling level, just that these champs (Iron Heart, NTW, Patriot), just be good enough to be relevant (i.e players actually picking them for the match they meant to do).

    Moleman SOS is a perfect examples, that match should be perfect for NTW, but no one bother using her.

    Kabam are so scare of Power Creep, that they already nerf these champs Design Power budget to the ground before the start of the design.

    While at the same time, the budget for Defender is over the roof.

    Peni might be a hard Def when she first come out, but there were already counter for her before Hulkling and Galan, Venom and Venompool work just fine. While with Serpent even now when we meant to have hard counter, you would still lose out on time in BG.

    The year direction in champions design is very unbalanced. Not rebalancing Iron Heart, NTW or Serpent was a mistake.

    I think if they added any buff to NTW would be broken champ counters a whole class & does it fast ?? One needs to go 🤷 I think that's what kabam did
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