Champs animation

I don't really like it if a champs had the same animation as others(except platpool and goldpool and also deathless champs), I think champions like white mag, weapon x and ultron should have their own special animation. And also their victory pose, the magneto's victory pose was suitable for him which means champs like Mr sinis and strange. The same goes for hulkbuster (which has the same animation as dormammu) and wolverines (which had the same animation as cap iw) and also Spiderman (same as miles, sym spidey and Gwen). For the OG pose for male and female, the OG male pose is only for OG classic cap and OG female is only for OG black widow. And also special animation like what I've just said white mag, Ultron and weapon x also logan, and also visions, iron fists, Caps and so on. For sp3, punisher/winter soldier (prioritize for winter soldier) and Thor/Ronan had the same. And then, basic attacks make sure all champs have their own unique basic attack, and don't be like daredevil HK which has combined animation and also Gamora and OG storm which seems boring. Heavy also needs to be unique, as for venom, his heavy is just the same as many XL champs, I hope he has his own animation, and also others like superior iron man, punisher, Hawkeye, spiderman, agent venom, falcon, ant man, star lord, colossus, red hulk and many more. And for walking animation, there are plenty of champs that need to change it like Storm(she's hovering), carnage(he walks like a normal person and has no Symbiote characteristics), and Gamora. OG champs should renew their animation after the buff. Don't forget to mention, champs like (juggernaut, superior iron man, hulk, ant man, hulkbuster, Groot, ghost rider, thanos, kang, Loki, magik, Kamala Khan, mordo, phoenix, red hulk, rogue, og scarlet witch, sentry, miles, star lord, Thor jf and x 23) all has their own animation but seems boring. They should do something like juggernaut charge forward while sp2, ghost rider firing hellfire beam from his mouth instead of just releasing it while sp2 and sentry doesn't turn to Void while sp3. I mean like I would do it if I was kabam staff but I can't. So, I just make this thing hope for kabam to listen. If they buff an OG champs, make sure to change their animation.
That slowly expanded to include new ones for Dr Strange (when he started flying instead of just walking) and the like, and later Hulkbuster (for which Dormammu was loudly criticised for reusing at the time).
Of course these days you have a myriad of different victory animations, many of which are unique to that champion, but really it's just not worth the time and effort to animate an entirely new victory animation for old champions that hardly anyone plays anymore anyway.
As @JLordVileJ said - if a champion gets a full rework with new animations, they might get a new victory animation as well. Did Iron Man? I haven't used him so don't know.
Finally, @OP, please learn sentence structure and paragraphs. Even if English is not your first language, breaking up your posts makes then infinitely more readable.
Going to the overall discussion, champion animation has been one of my biggest MCOC issues with characters not using the things they have in the kit with Hawkeye, Gamora, Magik, Cyclops, etc. Feeling unfinished.
A lot of champs do need this type of stuff but it all depends how long it'd take since we just got our first champion suit changes in Venom and She Hulk with the last two iirc being Spider-Man and Iron Man which were both 2023 changes.