Agatha Harkness: Ability Kit Concept

Class: Mystic
If Agatha finishes a fight with more than 50% of her maximum power, or if the opponent is knocked out by a special attack greater than Special Attack 1, she gains a Persistent charge. She also gains a charge if she wins against a Cosmic champion.
Each Persistent charge increases her Power Gain potency by 10%, Nullify ability accuracy by 5% and reduces the opponent’s combat power rate by -5%.
Reaching 5 Arcane Retention allows her to inflict a 10-second Imprisonment on her opponent from the pre-fight menu. The next fight, she starts with 1 Persistent charge.
Each time Agatha Nullifies a buff, she gains an Energy Protection Passive (max. 5), decreasing the potency of all DoT effects on her by 15% per charge, and increasing Perfect Block chance by the same amount.
Every 8 seconds, Agatha places a Placebo Buff on her opponent for 10 seconds. She also Nullifies one Buff every 12 seconds.
During this Imprisonment, Agatha steals 50% of all Defensive Power (power gained by the opponent due to basic and special attacks) gained by the opponent for herself. Strong and confident while her opponent is imprisoned, she is Immune to all power manipulation, Weakness and Cowardice for the duration the Magical Prison is active. The parry mastery is prone to fail.
As a defender, Agatha’s attacker can escape from the magical prison by striking Agatha with a heavy attack.
If Agatha were to Nullify a Buff, but no buff is active on the opponent, or if a buff fails due to her personal Fate Seal, she gains a passive Fury for 20 seconds, increasing her attack rating by 15%. These Furies can be stacked to a maximum of 10.
Nullifying a Power Gain or an Energize grants a burst of 10% of her maximum power.
Each pause bar consists of:
Default (Left and Right end): Agatha is in haste!(left end). Agatha missed! (right end). The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Incinerates for 8 seconds.
Orange (Second from left end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Plasmas for 8 seconds.
Yellow (Third from left end): Activating the special attack gains 3 Precision buffs, increasing Critical Rating by a total of 3300.
Red (Middle): Activating this special attack places 3 Bleed stacks on her opponent. Against #Robots, this is a Rupture.
Green (Third from right end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Poisons for 8 seconds. While these Poisons are active, the opponent’s healing rate is reduced by -150%.
Blue (Second from right end): last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Coldsnaps for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 3 (Pure Chaos)
Whenever an opponent gains a Buff, Agatha has a chance to immediately Nullify it and replace it with its antithesis. Cosmic opponents suffer an additional <10-20>% effectiveness reduction for all Buffs replaced by antithesis Debuffs.
Nullifying a Buff on a Cosmic champion steals 3% of their max power.
Against #Magic Thief champions, Agatha gains 10% increased attack rating.
PS. The only reason I post in General "Discussion" is so that the entire community can actually "discuss" these matters.
Persistent Charges – Arcane Retention (max. 5)
Agatha starts each quest with 1 persistent charge. Each fight, she consumes 1 persistent charge.If Agatha finishes a fight with more than 50% of her maximum power, or if the opponent is knocked out by a special attack greater than Special Attack 1, she gains a Persistent charge. She also gains a charge if she wins against a Cosmic champion.
Each Persistent charge increases her Power Gain potency by 10%, Nullify ability accuracy by 5% and reduces the opponent’s combat power rate by -5%.
Reaching 5 Arcane Retention allows her to inflict a 10-second Imprisonment on her opponent from the pre-fight menu. The next fight, she starts with 1 Persistent charge.
Always Active
Agatha Harkness does not benefit from the Mystic Dispersion mastery. Her combat power rate is reduced by -40%. Instead, when the opponent gains a buff, she gains a Power Gain buff, granting 10% of her maximum power over 10 seconds.Each time Agatha Nullifies a buff, she gains an Energy Protection Passive (max. 5), decreasing the potency of all DoT effects on her by 15% per charge, and increasing Perfect Block chance by the same amount.
Every 8 seconds, Agatha places a Placebo Buff on her opponent for 10 seconds. She also Nullifies one Buff every 12 seconds.
Magical Prison
Activating a special attack 1 places a Magical Prison on the Battlerealm, at equal distance from herself and her opponent. If the opponent passes over this Magical Prison, they are Imprisoned: they are prevented from moving and launching special attacks for 10 seconds. They are also inflicted with a Degeneration passive, removing health over time for the duration of the Prison, and a Fate Seal, removing all Buffs and preventing the gain of any more Buffs.During this Imprisonment, Agatha steals 50% of all Defensive Power (power gained by the opponent due to basic and special attacks) gained by the opponent for herself. Strong and confident while her opponent is imprisoned, she is Immune to all power manipulation, Weakness and Cowardice for the duration the Magical Prison is active. The parry mastery is prone to fail.
As a defender, Agatha’s attacker can escape from the magical prison by striking Agatha with a heavy attack.
Basic hits
All of Agatha’s basic hits have a 25% chance to Nullify one Buff on her opponent. This does not include unique buffs, such as Annihilus’ Cosmic Control Rod, or Dragon Man’s Power Charge.If Agatha were to Nullify a Buff, but no buff is active on the opponent, or if a buff fails due to her personal Fate Seal, she gains a passive Fury for 20 seconds, increasing her attack rating by 15%. These Furies can be stacked to a maximum of 10.
Nullifying a Power Gain or an Energize grants a burst of 10% of her maximum power.
Special Attack 1 (Binding Hex)
Hit 1
: Agatha sends a wave of Chaos Magic, attempting to Nullify one Buff on the opponent. If a Buff is Nullified, she gains a passive Power Gain, restoring 3% of her max Power over 6 seconds.Hit 2
: The opponent is inflicted with a Binding Hex debuff, which reduces their Power Gain rate by 20% for 10 seconds. If the opponent’s Power is below 1 bar, the Binding Hex also prevents them from gaining Power for the same duration.Final Hit
: Agatha deals extra Energy Damage based on her current Power level. If she has at least one bar of Power, this hit has a 50% chance to inflict a Fate Seal for 8 seconds, blocking all new Buffs on the opponent during its duration.Special Attack 2 (Power of the Occult)
Three pause bars appear on the user’s screen. (Author’s note: The idea was like the special 3 pause bar). Pausing in various coloured zones activate different abilities. If this special attack is activated when her opponent is Imprisoned, it is Unblockable and cannot be Evaded, or dodged by the Dexterity Mastery.Each pause bar consists of:
Default (Left and Right end): Agatha is in haste!(left end). Agatha missed! (right end). The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Incinerates for 8 seconds.
Orange (Second from left end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Plasmas for 8 seconds.
Yellow (Third from left end): Activating the special attack gains 3 Precision buffs, increasing Critical Rating by a total of 3300.
Red (Middle): Activating this special attack places 3 Bleed stacks on her opponent. Against #Robots, this is a Rupture.
Green (Third from right end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Poisons for 8 seconds. While these Poisons are active, the opponent’s healing rate is reduced by -150%.
Blue (Second from right end): last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Coldsnaps for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 3 (Pure Chaos)
Agatha unleashes the full power of Chaos, as she steals all of the opponent’s Buffs (Unique buffs cannot be stolen). All Buffs on Agatha are paused for 15 seconds. Each buff stolen inflicts an Armour Break on the opponent, paused for the same duration as her buffs, and falling off after 3 seconds.
Signature Ability (House of Harkness)
Whenever an opponent gains a Buff, Agatha has a chance to immediately Nullify it and replace it with its antithesis. Cosmic opponents suffer an additional <10-20>% effectiveness reduction for all Buffs replaced by antithesis Debuffs.Nullifying a Buff on a Cosmic champion steals 3% of their max power.
Against #Magic Thief champions, Agatha gains 10% increased attack rating.
PS. The only reason I post in General "Discussion" is so that the entire community can actually "discuss" these matters.
The idea of the pre fight is cool, though I think you could adjust the amount of charges gained and required to activate the pre fight because it seems like you'd have to get very lucky in order to activate it even once during a quest.
I think you may need to look at the power gain again because if im not mistaken it seems quite easy to lock yourself into gaining no power. She gains power when they gain buffs, works well, she fate seals but then steals their defensive power gain, could work if the number is right, but then her sp1 power locks them? So if you activate the sp1 during imprison like you're supposed to you essentially lock yourself out of gaining power? Unless I'm reading this wrong.
The main thing with the wording is your use of the term unique buffs. Unique buffs means the number of different individual types of buffs on a character, not what I assume you mean as buffs that can only be gained by 1 character. Dragon man's power charge is not unique either, it's just a power gain buff. I think the only way this could work is if you specify a selection of buffs that can be nullified or copied like sigil witch. I also think there may be an issue with how much nullify she has access to, especially since she basically gets a guaranteed nullify every 12 seconds ignoring her fate deal and sp3.
I think I understand the idea of the sp2 bar, but the wording is very confusing and I think the way it's conceived here may not work with the literal bar on screen. I think having it be a series of passive icons like spiderpunk is probably the best way, and I don't think it's include an option that would cause the attack to fail.
The furies from her failing to Nullify are a cool idea but I would tone them down quite a lot because that's a lot of damage increase for not much effort. I also think you should tone down the energy protection she gains from nullify by a fair bit or at least give them a duration. I also think you need to explain what you mean by antithesis in her sig. I get what you mean, but I think it may be better to have her instead inflicting an ineptitude when it triggers? That just makes it a little easier to understand.
Generally it's a cool idea, just some wording and a few more passovers would help to smooth it down a little. I guess I'm a little confused as to what she's supposed to be used for besides just nullifying buffs? Like are there any match ups she really shines in?
Also she needs to have blessings, but ones from the Darkhold
Just my thought process while making her.
Persistent Charges – Arcane Retention (max. 5)
Agatha starts each quest with 1 persistent charge. Each fight, she consumes 1 persistent charge.If Agatha finishes a fight with more than 50% of her maximum power, or if the opponent is knocked out by a special attack greater than Special Attack 1, or by an effect from said special attacks, she gains a Persistent charge.
She also gains a charge if she wins against a Cosmic champion, or a champion tagged #Magic Thief.
Each Persistent charge increases her Power Gain potency by 10%, Nullify ability accuracy by 5% and reduces the opponent’s combat power rate by -5%.
Reaching 5 Arcane Retention allows her to inflict a 10-second Imprisonment on her opponent by double-tapping block in the fight, or activating it from the pre-fight menu to activate it at the start of the fight. The next fight, she starts with 1 Persistent charge.
Always Active
Agatha Harkness does not benefit from the Mystic Dispersion mastery. Her combat power rate is reduced by -40%. Instead, when the opponent gains a buff, she gains a Power Gain buff, granting 10% of her maximum power over 10 seconds.All hits are Energy-based, and bypass Energy Resistances against Cosmic and Mystic champions.
The Coven grants her immense strength. Who are other Mystics but ants beneath her shoes? Agatha is immune to all Nullify, Neutralize, Fate Seal effects, and gains +12.5% attack rating against #Magic Thief champions. She is immune to ability accuracy reduction against Mystic and Cosmic champions.
Each time Agatha Nullifies a buff, she gains a permanent Energy Protection Passive (max. 5), decreasing the potency of all DoT effects on her by 15% per charge, and increasing Perfect Block chance by the same amount. One of these passives fall off every 10 hits in either champion's combo meter.
Every 8 seconds, Agatha places a Placebo Buff on her opponent for 10 seconds. She also Nullifies one Buff every 12 seconds.
Well read of the Darkhold, Agatha knows not why the foul non-magic are Immortal. Decrease the duration and potency of Immortality, Indestructible, Death Immunity buffs by -90%.
Magical Prison
Activating a special attack 1 places a Magical Prison on the Battlerealm, at equal distance from herself and her opponent. If the opponent passes over this Magical Prison, they are Imprisoned: they are prevented from moving and launching special attacks for 10 seconds, but gain 200% power. They are also inflicted with a Degeneration passive, removing health over time for the duration of the Prison.During this Imprisonment, Agatha steals 75% of all Defensive Power (power gained by the opponent due to basic and special attacks) gained by the opponent for herself. Strong and confident while her opponent is imprisoned, she is Immune to all power manipulation, Weakness and Cowardice for the duration the Magical Prison is active. The parry mastery is prone to fail.
As a defender, Agatha’s attacker can escape from the magical prison by striking Agatha with a heavy attack.
Once deactivated, the Magic Prison goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
Basic hits
All of Agatha’s basic hits have a 25% chance to Nullify one Buff on her opponent.If Agatha were to Nullify a Buff, but no buff is active on the opponent, or if a buff fails due to her personal, she gains a passive Fury for 20 seconds, increasing her attack rating by 15%. These Furies can be stacked to a maximum of 10.
Nullifying a Power Gain or an Energize grants a burst of 10% of her maximum power.
Each hit places a 10% non-stacking Energy Vulnerability Passive for 0.8 seconds.
Special Attack 1 (Binding Hex)
Hit 1
: Agatha sends a wave of Chaos Magic, attempting to Nullify one Buff on the opponent. If a Buff is Nullified, she gains a passive Power Gain, restoring 3% of her max Power over 6 seconds.Hit 2
: The opponent is inflicted with a Binding Hex debuff, which reduces their Power Gain rate by 20% for 10 seconds. If the opponent’s Power is below 1 bar, the Binding Hex also prevents them from gaining Power for the same duration.Final Hit
: Agatha deals extra Energy Damage based on her current Power level. If she has at least one bar of Power, this hit has a 50% chance to inflict a 100% Staggered passive for 8 seconds.Special Attack 2 (Power of the Occult)
Three pause bars appear on the user’s screen. (Author’s note: The idea was like the special 3 pause bar). Pausing in various coloured zones activate different abilities. If this special attack is activated when her opponent is Imprisoned, it is Unblockable and cannot be Evaded, or dodged by the Dexterity Mastery.Each pause bar consists of:
Default (Left and Right end): Agatha is in haste!(left end). Agatha missed! (right end). The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Incinerates for 8 seconds.
Orange (Second from left end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Plasmas for 8 seconds.
Yellow (Third from left end): Activating the special attack gains 3 Precision buffs, increasing Critical Rating by a total of 3300.
Red (Middle): Activating this special attack places 3 Bleed stacks on her opponent. Against #Robots, this is a Rupture.
Green (Third from right end): The last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Poisons for 8 seconds. While these Poisons are active, the opponent’s healing rate is reduced by -150%.
Blue (Second from right end): last hit of her special attack places 3 passive Coldsnaps for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 3 (Pure Chaos)
Agatha unleashes the full power of Chaos, as she steals all of the opponent’s Buffs (Unique buffs cannot be stolen). All Buffs on Agatha are paused for 15 seconds. Each buff stolen inflicts an Armour Break on the opponent, paused for the same duration as her buffs, and falling off after 3 seconds.Signature Ability (House of Harkness)
Whenever Agatha has a chance to Nullify a buff, she replaces it with a <12.5-25>% Ineptitude debuff for the same duration as the buff Nullfied.Cosmic opponents suffer an additional <10-20>% effectiveness reduction for all Buffs replaced by Ineptitude Debuffs.
Nullifying a Buff on a Cosmic champion steals 3% of their max power.
In Battlegrounds, start with 1 bar of power.
Against #Magic Thief champions, Agatha gains <1.25-2.50>% increased attack rating.
PS. The only reason I post in General "Discussion" is so that the entire community can actually "discuss" these matters.
Also I had no clue it was supposed to be 3 times based on the way you wrote it? I would really try and clean that section up be cause it's really confusing
This is better but still has a few issues. I think the ineptitude on her sig should have a stack limit. She has so much access to mummification that you're going to be stacking them near constantly and that would become a problem very very quickly. Any node that grants the attacker fury buffs would very quickly result in you doing 0 damage.
She has a lot of individual abilities and immunities that I don't think are necessary? Typically immunities are so strong they need to be given for a reason, ie a specific defender they're designed to do all against, so what does immunity to ability accuracy, power control and buff control do for her? It's just quite a lot and it makes the kit feel cluttered.
Her bypassing all Energy resistance at all times is simply absurd. There are characters that have true damage but usually requires some kind of skill and not just permanent bypassing Energy resistance.
The magic Prison is a good idea on offense but defensively is a little problematic. No specials to end the root is understandable, but the fact that you have to heavy attack whilst also having a chance for your parry to fail feels a little much when you're also degenned and she's gonna be gaining more power if she hits you. I don't know what would be a fair change but just feels a little much.
I think you also think the perfect block chance on her nullifying is a little strong, could do with being a lot less potent
b) Like @Ourobøros said, Agatha should be a threat to Mystics, so any Mystic that nullifies any buffs active on her, she should be against.
c) What do you suggest for Energy Resistance?
d) How'd you bait a heavy from a Stun Immune champion? By block-baiting, right? That same way.
e) Tried to make her a Serpent counter, as Serpent throws specials that cannot be dodged.
I suggest not giving her a counter to energy resistance. If she's gonna be energy based then using energy resistance is a counter to her as it should be.
You can bait heavy like that, but remember that you're rooted and she's going to be gaining a lot of power from even hitting into your block because of being Imprisoned. You can block a few hits but she could just rocket up to an sp1 and nuke you.
That's cool but it's going to make her absolutely busted in any match that isn't serpent. I would argue a bit of block regen would be better, but even still the removing 1 every 10 hits on a combo meter thing is kinda meaningless when you're pretty much constantly able to Nullify buffs. You will be at max stacks within 2 combos and are then completely immune to a lot of dot and essentially have perfect block