Taking on Glykhan

DoctorOfDoomDoctorOfDoom Member Posts: 15
Hey guys, so I’m on 8.4.6, and would appreciate a few tips on Glykhan, I’m sharing a picture of my roster for suggestions too, I also have a 6* r1 storm but would prefer to not rank her up


  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,416 ★★★
    Juggs and storm X carried me hard against him. Apoc and Emma are also very good. Anyone works really
  • HoadyOZHoadyOZ Member Posts: 281 ★★
    I used unduped r1 7* Storm X, she was perfect for phase 1 and 2 in particular. More important to make sure you have the best relic you have. If you only have one 6* relic, you might be better off choosing your champ based on that.
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