Thanks for reply @Super_Cretu90 I'll see what others say. For some context my progression is uncollected here are best champs. Currently on the last quest of act 5, Ultron boss with power gain/regen on debuffs. I have champs for that fight. Team will be 4*herc, 4*og magneto,5*Medusa and 5* Hulk with the heimdall synergy to take ultron down. Main aim is to complete act 6 ch 1 for cavalier as soon as I can. With that in mind I need to know champs that will help with that chapter. Any suggestions for MVPs in general for act 6.1 would be appreciated. This nexus is part of new summoner supply calender.
If only you could awaken your 4* Hercules. His immortality will save you many times and many revives. Pump as many signature stones in him as possible, if possible.
Colossus and Hulk would help you become cavalier, with their immunities, because chapter 6 has a lot of degen/bleed etc. type of nodes. Colossus has 4 immunities, while Hulk has poison and degeneration ones (e.g., the lower the health, the bigger his degeneration resistance).
Medusa can also be a good option, as well, as she has poison immunity, strong armour breaks/shatter and BIG damage.
I hope you get other opinions, which will help you achieve your goal.
@Super_Cretu90 yeah wud be great hercules sig is excellent. I have 2 5* GENERIC awakening gems but none for 4* annoying lol. I have a load of other 5stars champs unranked. Could do a separate post in near future for tips who should prioritise ranking up and awakening
Wait for other opinions and draw a line after.
Main aim is to complete act 6 ch 1 for cavalier as soon as I can. With that in mind I need to know champs that will help with that chapter. Any suggestions for MVPs in general for act 6.1 would be appreciated. This nexus is part of new summoner supply calender.
King Groot benefits massively from high sig, as his regen is amazing at higher levels.
Colossus and Hulk would help you become cavalier, with their immunities, because chapter 6 has a lot of degen/bleed etc. type of nodes. Colossus has 4 immunities, while Hulk has poison and degeneration ones (e.g., the lower the health, the bigger his degeneration resistance).
Medusa can also be a good option, as well, as she has poison immunity, strong armour breaks/shatter and BIG damage.
I hope you get other opinions, which will help you achieve your goal.
Good luck!