OP Incursion Interactions?

Which buffs and champs have the best OP interactions you’ve found?

I have a 7 star Lady DeathStrike and there’s a buff that gives your basic attacks something like a 50% chance to stun while you have an armor up. So she can basically stun-lock most fights. Add in the buff that doubles stun length and a few others to make it even more OP.


  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Bullseye with haemostatic charge and tide of combat i think
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,872 ★★★★★
    Most tech champs are great with stun lock buff. Especially FAM he can also power drain the opponen
  • FantomaxopFantomaxop Member Posts: 166 ★★★
    Any type of fury buff or passive attack rating increase goes hard with + 1000 crit rate and + 1000 crit dmg rating. Yellow numbers go brrr.

    If you can get stat multiplier hack, that gives other stat hacks 300% potency, you can get yourself consistent 60% crit chance and ensure that each crit will be rather large.

    Power drain/burn champions with draining degeneration stunlock your opponent.

    Hemostatic charge + any bleeder, that can inflict them with basics is godlike dmg dealer.

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