17 days and now I am lost

So I had started a new account 17 days ago for some reason in calander it says 16 I did everything I could untill act 5 even explored everything but I am not to experienced with act 6 and the difficulty jump is too hight from act 5 chapter 4 but I can't seem to find any other content right now in game that feels both doable and challenging at the same time should I go for cav title or should try to expand my roaster if cav where can I get some guide on proper counter, and if you think I need to expand my roaster where can I start to farm the resources necessary.


  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,365 ★★★★
    There's no other way of expanding roster as a uc honestly, you have alot of units and your familiar with the game just go for it
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,437 ★★★★★
    Second the MCOC Noob suggestion. He will help in knowing what champs to use and what the easiest path through Act 6 is. It is a bump in challenge, but it's not as bad as you think once you start to move through it and develop more skill.
  • Sandip_Singh_05_16Sandip_Singh_05_16 Member Posts: 34
    Thanks a lot all of you I'll search him up hope it helps
  • KingnaesKingnaes Member Posts: 87
    Act 6 was THE WORST pre-nerf and it's still ridiculous post-nerf...
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,250 ★★★★
    Man, at this point, with that many units, wait until banquet and burn them all on banquet crystals
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,250 ★★★★
    You could also grind out arenas at your current state to get some more units for good milestones. Join an alliance that’s prepping for banquet if you haven’t already
  • Sandip_Singh_05_16Sandip_Singh_05_16 Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2024
    Well the banquet option looks great I saw some last banquets opening in yt of last year I guess they said 9k units were able to get them a 7*, any idea when does the banquet thing starts, I don't really wanna use units for revives. Also I looked through the video's you guys asked me to look names MCOCNOOB coincidentally my name the same in game the videos were 4 years old but I was able to get some info on counters and stuff and was able to complete 6.1.3, 6.1.1 was the wrost had to take so much block damage and had to use almost all the portions I had left, my plan for right now is getting through act 6 doing easiest paths and never return, because to be honest the rewards sucks for exploration considering the ammount of time and resources needed not to mention not so friendly global and local nodes. Thanks again will let you know guys when I progress further i appreciate you help and information.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Join an alliance and go through alliance war every time. You’ll soon be getting plenty of 6* shards. I’m at a similar point where act 6 was way too hard, but I’ve taken a couple of weeks focusing on alliance war/quests, event quests etc and finally beat 6.1.1 this morning. The games not built for you to get cav after 17 days of a new account. You’ll get there, and the roster building is all part of the fun! Have a look through my thread called “new to the game - help” and theres loads of great advice from plenty of experienced players in there. Good luck!
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    More advice I’ve just thought of.

    Play incursions when it’s back and use your incursions shards to target relevant champions in the incursion section of the shop.

    Spend some units on mastery cores to unlock precision and cruelty mastery. And on the expensive cores to unlock willpower. It’s not as fun as buying crystals BUT it will make act 6 MUCH easier I can guarantee it.

    Your champs don’t look ranked enough for act 6 yet. Make sure you’re spending your alliance glory and mysterious etc in the traders outpost part of the shop to get the tier 4/5 catalysts you need to rank them up. You’re a higher summoner level than me and completed more content in terms of explored chapter 5, so I’m a little surprised you don’t have the catalysts to rank up your 5*s. Maybe you don’t know about the traders outpost??
  • Sandip_Singh_05_16Sandip_Singh_05_16 Member Posts: 34
    I do know about the traders outpost it's just I did not want to invest everything in a single champion so distributed my resources to get more rank 4s than few rank 5 to tackle more of the content, as for the incursions I am currently trying for 5* odin in fury crystal that would make incursions way easier with odin Angela synergy I spend most of my glory for t1 and t2 alpha and also for t4cc and t5b however I only buy when necessary as they get expensive if I buy more so I usually wait for reset if it's not urgent, I am also doing was currently we are at silver I guess and from last team event of battleground i also have a few 7* shared so when this aw season ends I might be able to get my first 7* it might bosst my speed as for my progression i used to play back in 2019 or maybe 2020 I was cav then but I could not find that account that's why I started new account so I have a bit of an experience but again last time I played act 6 was in 2020 probably and I had a roasted of almost 4 years so that's why I am facing issues also game has changed a lot, thanks again for the help and advice.
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