17 days and now I am lost

So I had started a new account 17 days ago for some reason in calander it says 16 I did everything I could untill act 5 even explored everything but I am not to experienced with act 6 and the difficulty jump is too hight from act 5 chapter 4 but I can't seem to find any other content right now in game that feels both doable and challenging at the same time should I go for cav title or should try to expand my roaster if cav where can I get some guide on proper counter, and if you think I need to expand my roaster where can I start to farm the resources necessary.

Play incursions when it’s back and use your incursions shards to target relevant champions in the incursion section of the shop.
Spend some units on mastery cores to unlock precision and cruelty mastery. And on the expensive cores to unlock willpower. It’s not as fun as buying crystals BUT it will make act 6 MUCH easier I can guarantee it.
Your champs don’t look ranked enough for act 6 yet. Make sure you’re spending your alliance glory and mysterious etc in the traders outpost part of the shop to get the tier 4/5 catalysts you need to rank them up. You’re a higher summoner level than me and completed more content in terms of explored chapter 5, so I’m a little surprised you don’t have the catalysts to rank up your 5*s. Maybe you don’t know about the traders outpost??