Incursions – I have a Silk but don't know what to do against biohazard node

Am I really just incapable of doing incursions? My bleed immune champs and my Sinister is too low lvl. I don't have a lot of iso at the moment to rank up these champs. Please, I need help with my situation
You can buy 4*/5* shards from bg store and open it for some iso. You gotta complete this run in 4 days (if you already started one) otherwise your progress will reset.
FYI did a test as just enjoying these incursions a lot.
Zone 10 biohazard boss r5 silk. Got the debuff regen and special regen hacks. Tide of combat and the degen on heavy.
Zone 13 bio with node where heroes don’t gain power so no special regen even. I’ve got 50% boosted degen now so melting everything.
She is awesome!
My Titan reward 🤭🤣😂
That «regen 20% of special damage delt» is a life saver 👍