Thankyou kabam - side quest this month looks simple and not full of get this to open this to find …

SuperSam568SuperSam568 Member Posts: 92
I have to say I’m actually enjoying this breath of fresh air. Just a really simple, no nodes, straight bruiser fights.

It’s fun to actually just jump into the fight based on what you know about the defender and not have to read and reread the nodes and work out weird interactions for a change.

It’s enjoyable to not have to gather stuff, to open stuff, to unlock something, to chose a path, to the unlock something else, to open another side quest, to choose again, etc. and to actually just select a path, and do it…

So simple, so nice.

It’s like eating restaurant food all the time….just get fed up of it after a while….sometimes you just want some toast with jam on.

Simple side quests - yes please :)


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