Necro Exploration worth it now?

Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144
After about 1 year from release and now that we get t4a more often and many ways to get rank 3's, is it even worth it to explore necro now?


  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    Based on how my first run went and with revive farming no longer an option, it’s not worth it for me. There are plenty of other sources for most of the items aside from Maestro and plenty of other content that I also use revives/potions on throughout the year now. Saving up 70+ revives and units to cover 5 more runs isn’t appealing right now for what I’d get out of it.
  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144

    For me, it’s a no. I know I’m a better player with a better roster than I was when I did my Necropolis run, but I burnt through a ton of resources for one run.

    I think the one caveat is when they provide another place to get Maestro and then Necropolis exploration is required for an awakened Maestro. Otherwise, all the other rewards are coming at such a rate in the game that it’s not worth the effort

    I agree. The time to reward ratio just isn't there for me. Too much of a time suck and resource dump, even if I have r3 Shuri and r6 Kate.

    I also don't think awakening Maestro is that big of an incentive. Right now I have plenty of champs that can take him in BGs and awakening him won't do much. Plus, awakening gems will come eventually.
  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144
    Typhoon said:

    Unless you are a completionist, no. It have good rewards, but not insanee rewards.

    2-3 generic gem still seems pretty valuable to me.
    I still don't think the time and resources needed for exploration are worth it today. 2-3 are valuable but even the crucible was more reasonable to do and gave a 2-3 generic gem.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,689 ★★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Unless you are a completionist, no. It have good rewards, but not insanee rewards.

    2-3 generic gem still seems pretty valuable to me.
    Glory store alone gives a r3 in 3 months. That's how much time it'll take for you to grind and explore necropolis.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 816 ★★★★

    Typhoon said:

    Unless you are a completionist, no. It have good rewards, but not insanee rewards.

    2-3 generic gem still seems pretty valuable to me.
    I still don't think the time and resources needed for exploration are worth it today. 2-3 are valuable but even the crucible was more reasonable to do and gave a 2-3 generic gem.
    I’m slowly working through Necropolis and it feels worth it to me. Haven’t had to spend a single unit besides maybe my first run way back when Necro first released and I’m ftp. You eventually get to the point in the game where you don’t have anything better to spend the resources on; quite literally the main reason I started doing additional runs in Necro despite not really loving that sort of content is because I had way too many expiring revives and there’s no better place to dump them than Necro. Obviously work through the easier stuff first but that r3 is still very valuable unless you’re a massive spender.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 714 ★★★★
    Yeah, it's a Valiant title plus 7* maestro
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★★★
    Well they're still pretty good tbh, especially the 7* maestro and launch pool selector.
    Personally necropolis is more of an experience thing for me. It's the first Everest content that I actually loved to play and is the most successful piece of Everest content to date. I just love th design of it
  • Frumpy_geezerFrumpy_geezer Member Posts: 123
    I would like to see them transition this to a crucible like event where you can still use your champs in other modes. I will never have time to to Necro in the current state. I was able to do the crucible in the span of a week to get Valiant, but using my best champs AND having hours at a time is not ever going to work for me.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,064 ★★★★★
    Rewards are still good. Would I explore it again if I were starting it today instead of last year? Probably not, given resources it takes and time or cost to acquire them.

    That said it was fun and challenging content to do so I don’t regret it.
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    They provided 3 more option to get 2-3 rank up, four if you count glory store update. All are way too easier than doing nacro.
  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144

    I would like to see them transition this to a crucible like event where you can still use your champs in other modes. I will never have time to to Necro in the current state. I was able to do the crucible in the span of a week to get Valiant, but using my best champs AND having hours at a time is not ever going to work for me.

    I agree. For things like this, I feel it's a good spot for that new tech they used in Crucible. If that were the case, I believe I would chip away at it while doing other things.
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 402 ★★★
    I will say it's less of a priority for me personally now that tier 4 alpha is becoming more available for free/ Seven-star Maestro would be nice as I figure there will be a way to awaken him sooner rather than later. The launch pool selector is probably just sigs on someone for me since the only launch pool champ I'm missing at the moment is War Machine and I think I've got all of the top tier champs awakened. I'll get around to it eventually but it's not a priority.
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