Northstar is not impressive even in long fights

Look at Northstar 7 star R1 vs Kate R4a, even with class advantage he takes longer than Kate to finish. Mind you Northstar has 4.5/5 damage whereas Kate has 2.5/5 damage rating. Not mentioning Kate is better for small and medium fights as well.
If they had to make Northstar an Everest champ they should have made him even more op. He feels too slow, more than what his fight duration because of his weird animations taking an eternity to finish. Hope they buff him to match his damage rating.
If they had to make Northstar an Everest champ they should have made him even more op. He feels too slow, more than what his fight duration because of his weird animations taking an eternity to finish. Hope they buff him to match his damage rating.
But refusing to add 2.5/5 damage as 7*
Kabam blunder 😱😱
Or maybe Kabam don't know what their stats page even means at this point, silver disable had 4/5?
Persistent momentum: max 5
each win grants 1 charge
In BGs start with 3 charges
Such a poor design.
6* R4 unascended. No boosts. No synergies and passive soldier + got hit. He is not that bad.
What rotation do you use?
He has great damage but its very dependent on nodes and AI cooperation to keep his loop going.
The problem with that is they cant keep releasing a better champ every single month or else power creep will start hitting the game like a truck and no one wants that. northstar isnt terrible he just gets overshadowed by her for now.
However, whenever the next necro/abyss style content comes about: 1. i dont think theyll have added 7* kate and if they have, theyll have introduced nodes to make her less viable, 2. speed is not the only important thing, and he has slow, and armour break(which yea should definitely have been applied to all but tech champs not just skill), and huge physical resist/block pen reduction in his sig which improves his survivabilty in these long fights
I know spunk was good but he has now amazing, hopefully Patriot and Northstar could become good or better,