Combo into Heavy Champs

TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★
There used to be only one champ that could do it, and Doom still is the best chaining the 4-hit combo directly to his staggering bıtch slap.

After using Chavez and Silk for a long time without knowing they could chain their heavy attacks, I discovered that they too can link their combos directly into heavies.

And after pulling Gladiator I found he is another champ who can launch his heavy directly following his basic combo attack.

Is there any other champ released that we know of who can do this? Or is this the complete list?


  • NescioNescio Member Posts: 148 ★★
    Enchantress can chain her heavy from a combo too.
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    All this time I didn’t know Mantis and Wasp could do it too. I did know iDoom could, just forgot to put him on the list. And don’t have Enchantress at any level so never used her. Good to know!
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★

    If you rank 5, ascend and max sig your yellowjacket he can do it too. Do it. Now.

    Nice try
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 749 ★★★★
    Let's not forget to pay homage to the OG GODDESS
    Yh the others are better but let's not forget who started the trend
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,195 ★★★★★
    Most of the champs you mentioned above do it with a stun effect.

    A few other champs can do it with Unstoppable Heavies, which is riskier unless you've got the opponent in the corner:
    - Juggernaut
    - Kingpin
    - Man-Thing
    - Magneto
    - Weapon X when he has Rage
    - Red Guardian during cooldown
    - Aegon and Attuma when they're ramped up

    Also, Taskmaster can do it when his Exploit Weakness target is a Heavy attack, as long as the opponent can't bypass Miss.
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    I'll add to @Magrailothos , CGR can do it with Man-Thing's synergy, gives him an Unstoppable, but only once for each cycle of 5 judgements.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★

    Irondoom and mantis can do it as well.

    Mantis has to have mixed emotions up for it, and it's technically sleep, not a stun, but works fairly similarly
    1. Wasp
    2. Doom - Only if opponent has Shock Debuff on.
    3. Silver Surfer - When Power Cosmic Buff is active.
    4. America Chavez
    5. Shang Chi - Pin-Point Wushu Strike
    6. Infamous Iron Man - Only if opponent has shock debuff on.
    7. Mantis - If opponent has 1 or more Mixed Emotions on.
    8. Gladiator
    9. Sandman - When he becomes Unstable at 20 Resistance Up Buffs.
    10. Silk
    11. Enchantress

    Other Honorable Mentions are Unstoppable Champions, such as Juggernaut or Cosmic Ghost Rider with Man Thing Synergy.
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★

    1. Wasp
    2. Doom - Only if opponent has Shock Debuff on.
    3. Silver Surfer - When Power Cosmic Buff is active.
    4. America Chavez
    5. Shang Chi - Pin-Point Wushu Strike
    6. Infamous Iron Man - Only if opponent has shock debuff on.
    7. Mantis - If opponent has 1 or more Mixed Emotions on.
    8. Gladiator
    9. Sandman - When he becomes Unstable at 20 Resistance Up Buffs.
    10. Silk
    11. Enchantress

    Other Honorable Mentions are Unstoppable Champions, such as Juggernaut or Cosmic Ghost Rider with Man Thing Synergy.

    That looks like a complete list there. Thanks!
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Mr. Negative technically can similarly to Surfer, just gives you an evade into an opening instead
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    + Weapon X via unstoppable
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,483 ★★★★
    Wong and Kingpin can combo to heavy
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 982 ★★★★
    Chee'ilth can also technically do this with a synergy from Overseer, givers her an unstoppable passive on heavy
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