Are you playing because you want to, or because you have to

Josh2507Josh2507 Member Posts: 748 ★★★★
Bit of a weird question I know, but let me know what you think

I'm in a weird position right now where I don't really enjoy most of the new stuff in game, but I also don't want to quit because I like interacting my alliance

Are you playing because you want to, or because you have to 96 votes

I want to play and I'm excited whenever I get a chance to sit down and do some fights
ccrider474AshyKnucklesAckbar67peixemacacoAdri5846KeredStrikerDahMastahNONYABIZZThe_0wenpusKLZEdisonLawSmoky4ii20SkalamenkoHulk808FlakkOnepieceisnotrealiZiggiKrishTheKing 18 votes
I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
DrZolaFeuerschwerphillgreenSundance_2099NesciocaptaincushLiquidkoldOurobørosButtehrsLuke9523OGAvengerBENNYJEwell65SSS69Spider_RicoRocketWaffleahmynutsSoumemiakas1926StephD87InsaneSkullThePredator1001 35 votes
I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game
RaaMhd20034tnair2015GarloDONZALOOG1234pseudosaneFfm1899dfmoore26DRTOP_R_A_D_E_E_PMagicsolMmaatthheewwGr8TonyStarkNogood22JackTheSnackMarouenorpimeSTairique_turay0Vijay_33Chuck_Finley 31 votes
I feel like I have to play and I'm a bit bored of the game in general
EgyptOverseerBosleyMqc19CPT_TLongshot_33Tony886BostonSpidey124Josh2507JuanmiWozzle007Lonley_potato123Doomstroyer 12 votes


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,272 ★★★★★
    I have real life sh*t so I can't concentrate in game, but when I get a leave or something, and dont have any busy work to do, all my time goes to mcoc.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game

    I have real life sh*t so I can't concentrate in game, but when I get a leave or something, and dont have any busy work to do, all my time goes to mcoc.

    This^ usually busy with exams and other stuff, the free time usually goes to sleep, mcoc or music.

    Game is kinda fun but it gets boring with lack of content and good rewards in the fun content we have (incursions and bgs), even tho it can get repetitive but its a rant for another day I guess...
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,272 ★★★★★
    shield311 said:

    I have real life sh*t so I can't concentrate in game, but when I get a leave or something, and dont have any busy work to do, all my time goes to mcoc.

    This^ usually busy with exams and other stuff, the free time usually goes to sleep, mcoc or music.

    Game is kinda fun but it gets boring with lack of content and good rewards in the fun content we have (incursions and bgs), even tho it can get repetitive but its a rant for another day I guess...
    It gets fun for few days when they introduce new event. Then it goes back to normal.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game

    shield311 said:

    I have real life sh*t so I can't concentrate in game, but when I get a leave or something, and dont have any busy work to do, all my time goes to mcoc.

    This^ usually busy with exams and other stuff, the free time usually goes to sleep, mcoc or music.

    Game is kinda fun but it gets boring with lack of content and good rewards in the fun content we have (incursions and bgs), even tho it can get repetitive but its a rant for another day I guess...
    It gets fun for few days when they introduce new event. Then it goes back to normal.
    True, but that's how the game is tbh, fun, unending but not consitent coz they can't develop content faster than the playerbase completes it.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,595 ★★★★★
    I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
    if you're bored and feeling like you have to play, you really ought to either quit fully or at least take a break. Never play any game because you feel you have to. If it's not fun, stop playing.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,667 ★★★★
    I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
    Don't play then? What's the problem?
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★★
    I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game
    This mainly applies to AQ and AW, it's very repetitive and feel more like chores. The rest of the game is enjoyable.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,073 ★★★★★
    I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
    I share the same sentiment as many above however i play more often since I usually need something for my thumbs to do (arena) when i'm doing something else so instead of fidgeting with something i just do that since i dont really need to look at the screen
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 275 ★★
    I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game
    AQ gets stale and when I'm brain AFK'ing the fights I can get punished for it. I didn't enjoy the extent of the BG grind last season, aswell as multiple other pieces of content all to be completed within the same timeframe. Arena's are a necessary, time stealing evil...

    That said, I'm still here everyday 🤔😅
  • DONZALOOG1234DONZALOOG1234 Member Posts: 369 ★★
    I sometimes feel like I have to play, but I still enjoy parts of the game
    it's the fact that if you take a week or month or sometimes even days off, you miss out on rewards and content that makes you fall back or miss out, deathless champs for example.
  • InsaneSkullInsaneSkull Member Posts: 334 ★★
    I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
    Only interesting to play for now. Forgotten when new game is more enjoyable.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,297 ★★★★★
    I want to play and I'm excited whenever I get a chance to sit down and do some fights
    I enjoy it but it can get boring at times
  • _Pez__Pez_ Member Posts: 313 ★★★
    I want to play and I generally enjoy the game
    I've got someone in my house saying if I don't play they will take my cat so I have to. I've been trying to take a break for years but I love my cat too much to let them take her.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    I want to play and I'm excited whenever I get a chance to sit down and do some fights
    Best game for me right now

    Kabam doing the best for everyone!

    Plenty of game fixes and things to come

    We want to play more!
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