Which should I complete first on my way to Valiant?

DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 525 ★★★

Which should I complete first on my way to Valiant? 37 votes

Necropolis Completion
Envi1THE_COLLECT0RSunstar19KLZONZ1E 5 votes
Act 8.3 "Illumination" Completion
captaincushCropDusterRayven5220doctorbJimmyBSagacious0wlcaptain_rogersIronman3000Spider_RicoBen_15455Adri5846SpecMStephD87willrun4adonutTairique_turay0Gildarts99ManbatnJason_32Smoky4ii20arifin74 32 votes


  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,344 ★★★★
    Act 8.3 "Illumination" Completion
    8.3 is the basic requirement for valiant and when choosing between story content and other permanent content, 95% of times story is the better answer, you can build a better team for necro and get more time to prepare + 8.3 is easier
  • Kirberus_Kirberus_ Member Posts: 62
    Act 8.3 "Illumination" Completion
    Also before necropolis complete 9.1 for your first r3 and maybe explore act 8/wait for banquet, maybe you can get r3 mats from there.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 749 ★★★
    Act 8.3 "Illumination" Completion
    Act 8 is easier than Necro. Probably best to save the hardest for last.
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