What value would you place on a 7* awakening gem right now?



  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★★
    i agree that 7* AGs aren't that valuable yet.

    maybe i'm blind cause i don't really need anyone awakened but looking at the pool so far, it's not like the past and most of our 7s function fine unduped. there's no nick fury, hercules, ghost, kitty, or archangel type champs out there that can really use it.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    edited November 2024
    How about:-

    10mil Ingame Gold
    1 x Battlerealm Brawl Entry
    1 piece of each Deathless 6* champs
    3 x Aureus
    1 x Shattered Sestertius
    3 x XP 50% Boost
    10 x XP 40% Boost

    Oh and like 5000 Solo Crystals...actually no, Solo Crystals are not part of the deal, I will open them in hoping for 2* awaken gems. 😁
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,417 ★★★
    Big value, I could awaken r3 onslaught, serp or juggs. Would give a decent amount to have one
  • BungoBungo Member Posts: 55

    The only champ I have now that I’d desperately like to awaken is Serpent. Once awakened, instant r3. But even then, with Spiral about to be in the Titan, his usefulness may certainly die down and my max sig 6* can suffice in my deck (granted I do love me some offensive Serpent usage). And I know the minute I’d use a generic gem on him, I’d just awaken him via a basic.

    Serpent still demands a fair counter or a ban in BG's, he's going to be a staple for a long long time dude.

    The second part is why I don't value an awakening gem at the price point they will be set at. They're an amazing item to have but I could spend £100 and it be effectively for 1 Sig stone if I spin the champ out again.
    There are plenty of 7* that are not included in the basic pool. And no details yet on how hard it'll be to dupe Isophyne.
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    I’m guessing 9.2 exploration will maybe have a 7* random class ag probably not generic, but as a ftp who is saving units for banquet cyber weekend means nothing to me
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    Fryday said:

    How about:-

    10mil Ingame Gold
    1 x Battlerealm Brawl Entry
    1 piece of each Deathless 6* champs
    3 x Aureus
    1 x Shattered Sestertius
    3 x XP 50% Boost
    10 x XP 40% Boost

    Oh and like 5000 Solo Crystals...actually no, Solo Crystals are not part of the deal, I will open them in hoping for 2* awaken gems. 😁

    XP boosts had me laughing out loud Fry 😂😂😂
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★

    i agree that 7* AGs aren't that valuable yet.

    maybe i'm blind cause i don't really need anyone awakened but looking at the pool so far, it's not like the past and most of our 7s function fine unduped. there's no nick fury, hercules, ghost, kitty, or archangel type champs out there that can really use it.

    I'd suggest probably like 15-20% of the champ pool *need* to be awakened to function and there are definitely a few of those in the 7* pool, maybe just none that you have at the moment?
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★

    I’m guessing 9.2 exploration will maybe have a 7* random class ag probably not generic, but as a ftp who is saving units for banquet cyber weekend means nothing to me

    9.2 Class awakening would be great. I'm of the opinion we might see our first T7B from 9.2, with the remaining rankup materials to come from a piece of Everest content before 9.3... just a guess though!
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    My guess is a class gem at 18k and possibly a generic at 36k.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    Bungo said:

    The only champ I have now that I’d desperately like to awaken is Serpent. Once awakened, instant r3. But even then, with Spiral about to be in the Titan, his usefulness may certainly die down and my max sig 6* can suffice in my deck (granted I do love me some offensive Serpent usage). And I know the minute I’d use a generic gem on him, I’d just awaken him via a basic.

    Serpent still demands a fair counter or a ban in BG's, he's going to be a staple for a long long time dude.

    The second part is why I don't value an awakening gem at the price point they will be set at. They're an amazing item to have but I could spend £100 and it be effectively for 1 Sig stone if I spin the champ out again.
    There are plenty of 7* that are not included in the basic pool. And no details yet on how hard it'll be to dupe Isophyne.
    This is why I'm asking for a consensus, the value is very much subjective.

    In Isophyne's case for example, unless there's something in her kit I absolutely love, chances are I won't play her to be honest. I think I'll end up putting her on the same shelf as Doom and Herc, I just got so bored of seeing them everywhere, I felt like I knew them back to front before I'd even pulled them, and she's going to be on everyone's roster. The less there is to learn, the less interesting for me.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★

    Kabam waited to long to come out with the 7* awakening gem. I believe they could've priced them extremely and obscenely high a month after Necropolis being released. Def waited to long, the value of it has decreased for that same reason.

    I agree, the respective awakening Gem would actually have more value earlier into the star ratings life cycle. We're what, 18 months into 7 stars now as opposed to 6 months when Necro came out? Demand would have been crazy last year and now people have pulled so many dupes naturally there's less of a necessity for it.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★

    My guess is a class gem at 18k and possibly a generic at 36k.

    I think this is where I've landed too following the discussion, I don't think Kabam would hesitate to reward 2 awakenings for that price point at this stage.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★★

    i agree that 7* AGs aren't that valuable yet.

    maybe i'm blind cause i don't really need anyone awakened but looking at the pool so far, it's not like the past and most of our 7s function fine unduped. there's no nick fury, hercules, ghost, kitty, or archangel type champs out there that can really use it.

    I'd suggest probably like 15-20% of the champ pool *need* to be awakened to function and there are definitely a few of those in the 7* pool, maybe just none that you have at the moment?
    none of the ones in the current pool are world beaters who ALSO really need the dupe.

    going over the list on auntmai i can maybe see a few that need it (omega, void, serpent), but the rest can mostly go without it, especially this early. if we had fury, ghost, herc, kitty, etc. available as 7*s i'd agree but right now gems aren't that game changing imo.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    2 turntables & a microphone
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 678 ★★★

    It's not about using the Ag, it's about having the exotic resources. I'm pretty sure most whales who're gonna get him likely hoard it. Especially if it's a generic gem.

    I legit had to read this three times, could NOT recognize the apostrophe there for the life of me, like “dang dude, I do not disagree, but how’d you get that past the filter/ moderation???”…
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    Will be the last p2w reward in webpage store.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    What I think it should be:
    2,500 units or $50 cash

    What I could understand it being:
    5,000 units or $100 cash

    What I expect it to be:
    $500 cash

    Id say double the 500 since if they do unit deals most likely it be 36k units just to get the gem or around the 20-30k unit range
    I'm mostly expecting them to not make it available for units.

    Agree with this. Whatever the average valiant thinks it’s worth, Kabam’s valuation is likely to be much higher. I wouldn’t be surprised if a generic gem is part of the rewards for buying out all the cash offers.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,514 ★★★★
    1 gold
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    If its in cyber monday, it will be in the 36k deal. 18k doesnt give you jack nowadays. They made it 36k as the norm
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★

    Bendy said:

    What I think it should be:
    2,500 units or $50 cash

    What I could understand it being:
    5,000 units or $100 cash

    What I expect it to be:
    $500 cash

    Id say double the 500 since if they do unit deals most likely it be 36k units just to get the gem or around the 20-30k unit range
    I'm mostly expecting them to not make it available for units.

    Agree with this. Whatever the average valiant thinks it’s worth, Kabam’s valuation is likely to be much higher. I wouldn’t be surprised if a generic gem is part of the rewards for buying out all the cash offers.
    Like how Nefaria was top end last month?
  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154
    My bet is one random when spending 36k units and one generic buying all the store.

    At the moment the value is high becouse there are many champs like Maestro or limited colections (CCPs challenges, Gifter guardians, omega days, etc.) that cant be awakened without the gem.

    Dont forget that the basic pool is pure RNG and everyone (excep Usafa and someone more) have some champs that would love to awaken

    I am FTP but if I would be a spender, i will buy all to awaken maestro and give him r3

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    Evenblockquote class="Quote" rel="Java_Junkie">

    It's not about using the Ag, it's about having the exotic resources. I'm pretty sure most whales who're gonna get him likely hoard it. Especially if it's a generic gem.

    I legit had to read this three times, could NOT recognize the apostrophe there for the life of me, like “dang dude, I do not disagree, but how’d you get that past the filter/ moderation???”…

    Even I have to read it thrice to see where I did the mistake lol.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Bendy said:

    What I think it should be:
    2,500 units or $50 cash

    What I could understand it being:
    5,000 units or $100 cash

    What I expect it to be:
    $500 cash

    Id say double the 500 since if they do unit deals most likely it be 36k units just to get the gem or around the 20-30k unit range
    I'm mostly expecting them to not make it available for units.

    Agree with this. Whatever the average valiant thinks it’s worth, Kabam’s valuation is likely to be much higher. I wouldn’t be surprised if a generic gem is part of the rewards for buying out all the cash offers.
    Like how Nefaria was top end last month?
    This was different in that Nefaria could be obtained for $400 spent in the webstore. Then I think it was a 2-3 gem for $500-600 spent. The awakening gem was tied into the higher(est) Glorious Games solo objectives I believe.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    One unit
  • WoodsjrWoodsjr Member Posts: 81
    I can see class 7* gems with deals. But, a generic 7* gem? That would be one of the most coveted items in the game.
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