Tier 1 Promodial Dust shortage for recent Paragons

005s005s Member Posts: 19
I recently became Paragon (about a month ago). I used to get both T1 and T2 Promodial Dust easily through side quest and events. But now I am only getting T2 dust.
Though I am not complaining but there are plenty good champions in 5* pool which are rare to get as a 6* even. I wanted to ascend some of my 5*s but I couldn't get any dust.
Could there be a solution to that?


  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 967 ★★★
    edited November 2024
    Would you ever use your 5* in anything? I literally used my maxed 5* Doom for Grandmaster and that’s the only time I’ve used him for questing, personally I don’t understand why or when I would use my 5* Trophy champ, because if it’s Thanos then what a waste imo.

    Battlegrounds sure, but you’ll soon get rid of them when you get more 6*.

    I literally couldn’t care less about T1 Dust, respectfully, we should be focusing on 6* and 7*.
  • 005s005s Member Posts: 19
    Well the November's side quest event demands that.
    Not everyone have good champions at higher rarities. I ascended champion can help in such a condition.
  • 005s005s Member Posts: 19
    I still use my trusty 5* Magneto (Red) to this day which I have ascended. 5*s are not dead yet. Not for me.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 956 ★★★★
    I still don't have Hercules higher than 5 star
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
    I would also like more T1 dust and I think it should be available in BG store or for glory by now.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    005s said:

    I still use my trusty 5* Magneto (Red) to this day which I have ascended. 5*s are not dead yet. Not for me.

    to you, yes, but 7* is the current game. no one spent time on their 3* when 5* became dominant, except to rush past them. two progression levels, or below, the current high water mark is old tech. 5* are not irrelevant past early progression, except in developing enough 6* to get into 7*. and honestly that sounds like that’s where you’re at? as PG you really should be in 6* pushing to 7*, but sounds like you’re still working o that roster…

    devils advocate; I personally agree, as Valiant. 4* ascencion makes arena grind easier. AND, as a completion, I’m gonna go back eventually and make myself finish Karina’s Challenges. eventually. that’s where I’ve spent my t1 Dust, and I could use more. it’s vanity for me (and some are at a progression level where it actually matters), but I’ve felt the lack of t1 Dust as well.
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