Gotta read the node. Need to heavy them to apply a slow debuff
does the slow apply on heavy contact or does it have to finish? asking in case we dexed and have to heavy them without a stun.
When the defender is knocked down so special or heavy
asking in case we have a precison on us from dexing. if we heavy them without a stun, will the slow stack immediately or does their unstoppable apply first before the heavy can finish?
Gotta read the node. Need to heavy them to apply a slow debuff
does the slow apply on heavy contact or does it have to finish? asking in case we dexed and have to heavy them without a stun.
When the defender is knocked down so special or heavy
asking in case we have a precison on us from dexing. if we heavy them without a stun, will the slow stack immediately or does their unstoppable apply first before the heavy can finish?
I thought if you can’t get placebo buffs on you they can’t go unstoppable?
Sugar pill has a chance to grant unstoppable when any buff on you expires or is nullified. Decay champs are immune to the placebo buffs it gives you, so those can’t trigger the unstoppable, but any other buffs you may gain (including the dex precision) are fair game. That’s why decay also gives you access to slow so you can fully prevent the unstoppable anyways.
I thought if you can’t get placebo buffs on you they can’t go unstoppable?
If you completely ignored unstoppable then there wouldn’t be any threat and just be duel fights for the most part. The placebo part just forces you to use a decay champ. That’s why people lean on science champs instead of cosmic since cosmic buffs can still trigger unstoppable if you are not constantly knocking them down for slow
But is also the most hilarious and laughable tactic if you're using tactic attacker