What type of fights is north star meant for?? Certainly not necropolis

Xoxo18Xoxo18 Member Posts: 106
I have a 7* rank 2 North Star who I really like but don’t really get to play a lot cause he’s certainly not the best utility champ for different unique nodes or a fast champ practical for Bgs but he was mainly created to be based for long fights like necro or abyss and definitely has the damage factor for it but his little bit of utility like slow, unstoppable, unblockable etc are just straight up unusable in necro and a lot of places cause his slow for some reason doesn’t work for node based evades like mix master or knowdown evade charges or necro hit monkey. Another thing would be his sp1 which you use to get prowess pause but doesn’t work properly for large health pool fights atleast I have noticed he gains pauses a lot more often against smaller health pools than larger fights even though u require them more for longer fights which leaves you stuck having to keep throwing sp1s to maintain prowess and most of the time never reach sp2 coupled with the fact that when triggering his unblockable before sp1 he gains even lower amount of pause for whatever reason. I understand his pauses are based on crits but it’s really inconsistent for his kit cause larger health pool fights like necro have 7*s with higher crit resistance chance so that again makes his cycle harder. I would be better if its a guaranteed seconds of pause like 10-15 secs instead of crit based.

Overall all I love the champ and the play style but the bugs and inconsistency of rng makes him that much harder to play. Hopefully his retune would help 🤞.


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    I'll be doing the alpha fight challenge (carina vol 3, EOP run). I'm planning to use northstar for kraven since he has slow, I'll let you know if everything goes well haha. But I'm anxious it's most likely he's gonna suck lol, should I just bring Sw instead?
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,727 ★★★★★
    Anywhere other than bgs. But he’s not that fast
  • jj_jj_9jj_jj_9 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    Certainly yes necropolis
  • ReeenzoReeenzo Member Posts: 13
    I like NorthStar but I've found that its really difficult finding a fitting place to utilize him best, hoping the rework with the January update improves upon what he has currently and allows him to be more efficient in those long form fights as intended
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,521 ★★★★
    Northstar is right up there with Proxima Midnight in the “good on paper, failed execution” type champs, his buff might make him a little more relevant but there are far better champs that can take on Everest content.
  • SG2468SG2468 Member Posts: 88
    just pulled this disappointing character from titan :(
  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 949 ★★★★
    Pulled him from my Titan on mini, now only 2 Titans on that account are Northstar and Arcade. Hoping for a decent rework in January. Arcade was initially meant for defense and Northstar for longer fights, if they execute it well I have high hopes from the rework. The animations and utility of both the characters are solid just lacking some damage. We have had some promising buffs like Luke and Sinister. Hope they go along the same route with both of them.
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