9k units , Cyber weekend or save for banquet?

So I have been really busy the last few months couldn't grind a lot of units got like 9.5k-ish units. Should I get the bundles from hunter's market or save these for the banquet?
I'm valiant, with 6 r3 , got the mats for 2 more but not the right champs. Also side note I'm trying the explore the last 3 paths of necro
I'm valiant, with 6 r3 , got the mats for 2 more but not the right champs. Also side note I'm trying the explore the last 3 paths of necro
9k units , Cyber weekend or save for banquet? 109 votes
If you want to gamble = banquet
If you go for cyber deals let us know what you get or if you can wait, then go for banquet but who knows what you will get
Banquet = Based on luck
Then you can decide on when to spend.
You will either praise Kabam or end up cursing Kabam.