Skill 7* to rank 3

Which of these would have best use in general

Skill 7* to rank 3 49 votes

UNAWAKened cheeilt
LuciusVorenusNescioEwell65SSS69DannyBTheInfintyRenaxqqJackTheSnackNONYABIZZThePredator1001Yeigarifin74Hulk808 12 votes
Awakened killmonger
Rayven5220BeastDadBen_15455Mmaatthheeww2x2ywestendbearBrill_14 7 votes
Awakened crossbones
PantherusNZbhuv9191captaincushDoom_and_GloomMARIISANTheAngryOneJustcause102Pete4ever_khanCosmosurfer2000GodfatherspieLegionnaireGiantwalrus56Acloyne1Hjkl25Cloudddey_broCookieJarMonstaKingering_KingSkalamenkoshield311Darthbane3141 20 votes
Awakened mantis
Spity68HendrossArnavcaptain_rogersStupid91AgenteMagnusN0madJoSpidey_10Jason_32Nemesis_17 10 votes


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,294 ★★★★★
    Awakened crossbones
    Crossbones is incredibly versatile. You won't go wrong with Chee'ilth either though, and Mantis remains a nuke if you know her rotation.
  • Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 411 ★★
    Awakened killmonger
    Killmonger because he is a pain on defense if they don't have counters and he can manage on offense if it would come to it
  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 510 ★★★★
    Crossbones, definitely. He can shut down so much stuff with his furies along with Serpent’s immortality. I personally did Chee’ilth for a fun rank 3, but Crossbones is the way to if you have him duped and high sig. You can’t go wrong with any of them really.
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