A question about the twitch account

Trafalgarwar96Trafalgarwar96 Member Posts: 636 ★★★★
The twich account must have the same email of the kabam account or is the same and we need only to link the kabam account and the twich account?


  • Kirberus_Kirberus_ Member Posts: 62
    no you can attach any of your existing twitch accounts.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 957 ★★★
    U can link any , just watch from the linked twitch account to get rewards in the game
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,231 ★★★★★
    Just curious , but even if one didnt use a burner email for their mcoc account (jts a massive pain in the rear for support tickets if you use a different email than the one you made the account with), as long as you use a burner email for the twitch, you should be fine when it comes to things like data leaks/breaches /docses?
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