How much do you think the Dazzler Pre Release Bundle will cost?

Hoping it’s not more than the ones now, but it will be a 7 star after all. In addition does getting her mean we can get her from Bundle and then dupe her from Track or do we get the one we would have gotten at the end of the track?
Dazzler rollout has been pretty unsatisfying. I understand they’ve got a lot of competing initiatives at this time of the year, but they would have been better off putting has a new champ for January to coincide with the double track more closely. As it stands, her EQ will be over, no one has had a chance to play her, and most players won’t get her for another 90+ days after the interminable double track concludes.
It would be great if they were a little more upfront about what "get her on day one means". It seems that it will mean that you can have her immediately if you just spend more money. It is incorrect language, but it is misleading. Everyone knows she's going to cost money on the first place because she will be on the platinum track, but if she's available day one, then put her on the first day or tell players that boosts will be available on day one to purchase her early.
For a second there I thought they were gonna give us the chance of duping her by buying both the pre release and double track( tempting) but only mega whales would be doing that as that would be wayy to expensive