Valiant speed run and striker drought

DannyBDannyB Member Posts: 110

Any of you speed runners got any advice on strikers?

I’m on week 2 and just started act8. Realised I’m gonna need strikers for a lot of lanes and defo bosses yet I’ve got 5 and most are same classes.

Was this a big hindrance and where are we supposed to get them from?

Side quest rewards are dry af this month the year quests are more or less impossible on a tiny roster and the rewards paltry anyway but that seems my main not real option.

Thinking that promo rewards drop from a few weeks ago would have really helped!

Might be nice to have some in incursions crystals maybe by class or put more in act!6/7 story content to help new players?

Like I know we aren’t supposed to push through all of story in weeks but they don’t seem proportionally available vs champ acquisition yet we have to use them as they been crowbarred into fight mechanics past act 7.

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