Thoughts on new bg meta?

I personally don’t like it because it’s forcing me to completely change my play style. I know nodes do that in a way, but the unstoppable nodes just feels like too much. I’m hating playing off season because I keep instinctively hitting their block to push the defender back or bait specials. I wish I could play the game how it’s supposed to be played. I haven’t gotten to test the new gc meta so I’m only talking about vt right now.
• Glad technically can trigger an unblockable buff with 300% AA if he lands an heavy with enough confidence and then could throw an unblockable special. If you let that happen though you deserve it.
• Duped Longshot has 300% base AA and gains an unblockable buff when he nullifies one off of you. Even if you brought a champ with an unblockable buff though, you probably couldn’t trigger it because you’re also inflicted with fear. Not a real issue.
• Crush is not an unblockable and thus is unaffected by fear, so Onslaught, Jessica Jones, and Kate can still go “unblockable”. Onslaught’s the only one who can practically trigger the crush on defense though and his specials are thankfully dexable, although not easily.
• A few techs like Nimrod and Deathstrike can go unblockable during specials and are immune to AAR against mutants. You can circumvent this with the revolutionary strategy of just not bringing a mutant against them because why would you do that.
• If Adam has his sovereignty buff, his buffs (including his unblockable) are unaffected by AAR. If you can dex the first hit of his specials and don’t let him throw a basic attack combo into block, he’ll never get the chance to trigger it anyways.
• Duped Prowler has 115% AA and has unblockable specials with 30 fury passives, so he has a small chance to go through. If you let him get 30 fury passives though that’s usually an error on your end.
So there really isn’t any exceptions of note besides Onslaught perhaps. The issue that meta is gonna be being forced to eat block chip during specials and any effects that trigger through block, not eating specials to the face.