Mystery synergy of Isophyne

So, what are your thoughts? I think Kabam has created quite a few ambiguous synergies in recent months and this is no exception.
What does "get out of my dimension" mean? Judging by the participants of the synergy, this synergy can be viewed from Isophyne's side (all participants are kind of annoying) or does it mean that all participants in the synergy have their own dimensions (but Gwenpool and Howard do not) or that participants in the synergy can travel between dimensions (indeed, Howard, Spot and Gwenpool are capable of this, but we don't know if Isophyne can travel between dimensions?)
In short, I personally would choose those who can move between dimensions and at the same time have their own dimension - Morgan Le Fay or Nightmare (to be honest, no one else comes to mind right away)
So what are your options?
So, perhaps, we are talking about such "annoying" ones champions... maybe someone like Impossible Man or Slapstick?