High level battlegrounds players and grinders, I want to hear your thoughts.

SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 286 ★★★
If you haven’t seen it already, the GC meta is practically just a “race to your big damage specials and nuke away” node. I for one absolutely hate nodes/metas like this, because so few defenders will actually be decent- since all of them can just be nuked no issue.
In my opinion at least, these metas are the most boring, turn off your brain metas out there.
What’s your opinion on this?


  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    To each his own I guess.

    In my opinion, we're at a stage where most 7* defenders can benefit from max sigs. So you can see a lot of damage reduction from defenders like Nova, Thing, Korg and the like.

    Secondly, I feel it's going to be a mid-scoring meta unless you can dodge like MSD, because I am Root is going to be pretty annoying, especially against undexable specials like Serpent's, Photon's or specials that you could dodge if far away, but can't when close up, Bishop or Apocalyse (ik a lot of people don't use him, but I've seen him do wonders on defense) for instance. Now imagine dodging Bishop's sp2 if Bishop has suicides, and you couldn't get say OG Iron man on attack; that's a lot of damage to you.

    Third, Arena of Fear will remove a lot of health due to specials that CAN be blocked, unless you have champions with high block proficiency. And it's not like you can ignore specials altogether, so power control, power gain, power steal and power burn (except Red Skull on defense for obvious reasons) champs are out the window. Might as well dodge the specials and get it over with.

    Fourth, AI. You need to launch a special by intercepting to get max damage out of it, say. Of course the AI will act passive unless you heavy break their block. Arena of fear will remove Unblockable specials as well, so you have to rely on the Parry or intercept or end-of-combo special.

    All in all, I'd say the meta is pretty well rounded.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,149 ★★★★★
    As a f2p player, The best metas are always are always the painful ones, like the last season. I destroyed top master level ally players with stacked rosters. Nuke metas like these give whales the advantage
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