Changes to BG store

As a valiant player I definitely want back the lower tier items as well and also PLEASE add Tier T3 Basic and Tier 1 Alfa. I need them because I want to rank my 4 and 5 star champions. I think adding those lower tier items is gonna be good for the BG store and won't effect game in a bad way and I saw a lot of players complain about this so please add them.
Kabam need fixe 7* price
And secound, I'm f***ing valient why is it harder for me to obtain a 5*, 4*, 3* and don't even get me started on 2* versions of a champion (since the only 2 stars ive gotten since coming back to the game almost 2 years ago have been the free ones kabam has decided to release other than that they just cost 100 units flat, like what?) so if there any new champs that I want I either have to wait a few months and hope I can pull from the featured 6* or I just gotta wait several more months just to try to get lucky from a pool of like 260 champs so in other words just let me level up my champs, cuz that's obviously not happening with my 2*s and 3*s, and I'm positive if kabam adds another title, then obtaining 4*s and their resources will be no more, other than grinding arenas whenever a specfic champ comes out.
If they actually replace these things by putting them in other stores (we will see how that goes), then it may not even make a difference. But Valiants clamoring for 5* crystals unfortunately probably won't change their mind.