Kingpin Tenacity Bugged Against AA?

AA should be able to eliminate all tenacity after stacking 4 bleeds. However, I fought Kingpin in Modok Uncollected quest and he was shrugging off poisons even with 4 bleeds active. While AA’s description specifically uses the word “tenacity,” I assumed this would apply to CB and KP as well
Archangel's ability to reduce Tenacity therefore appears to be a specific counter to Agent Venom; for now. It's possible other characters with Tenacity will be introduced. If they ever get the servers working again.
I guess my sarcasm didn’t transmit
Getting 4 bleeds and then poisons don’t inflict a NT charge, so, Kingpin is not bugged if he’s shrugging off debuffs into rage while not under the influence of Neurotoxin from a duped AA.
Wrong. Read AA’s description. Same place where it says his bleeds increase chance to poison by 25%, it then says it reduces the chance for an opponent’s tenacity to trigger by the same. The problem here is most likely what others have said: converting debuffs into other things, like CB and KP do, is not considered tenacity.
Well aware of what it says. Clearly you're unfamiliar with how AA actually works.
Clarification would be greatly appreciated please. Thank you!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Loto
First off, AA's bleeds do not do anything besides cause DOT. The AA's ability reduction only comes from his neurotoxins (his sig ability).
Second, KP does not have tenacity like AV. He has a % chance to convert any debuff to a Rage charge. This is more like XBones being able to convert debuffs to Fury.
Additionally, KP's ability reads: "Each debuff and rage on KP only strengthens his resolve, increasing attack by XXX and power gain rate by 5%" So even if he doesn't convert the debuff to rage, KP still gets a boost to his attack.
The only thing KP cannot convert that AA inflicts are the neurotoxins since they are a passive ability. Bleed and poison are both active and can be converted.
I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this for everyone saying 'Bleed doesn't reduce tenacity its only neurotoxins you obviously don't know how AA actually works'
You guys are right in saying neurotoxins are the only way to get ABILITY ACCURACY REDUCTION. That, however is different then reducing specifically tenacity. Please read character bios before spitting out other people don't know how champs work.
In regards to kingpin, I've always wondered this but the only way I've been able to stop him converting debuffs away is to get the ability accuracy reduction from the neurotoxins. I believe that what was stated earlier, because it's not specifically tenacity to shrug off, but to convert it into rage, is the reason his Bleed does not reduce this particular ability.
Agreed. I still reckon that Agent Venom and the Collector are the only champions with actual 'Tenacity', as when they shrug off debuffs, a little 'Tenacity' callsign flashes up, and that doesn't happen with anyone else.
It’s very important to understand the difference in abilities. If you look at Agent Venom’s abilities, he actually has Tenacity. KP has rage which is basically just a debuff converter which is different. It’s sad how much misinformation is being spread in this thread.
Tenacity DOES say he shrugs it off making any other shrugging seem like it should fall under tenacity (unless they are passive tenacity cause we ALL know Kabam loves the “passive” loophole
This brings me to my point - Kabam releases AA a year and a half ago with a bleed ability that only works against Agent Venom, and since then supposedly only also works against the Collector, a non playable character you only have to fight six times and eventually becomes bleed immune during the fight, too. It would be nice to see character abilities have a scope that is greater than just 1.
@V1PER1987 Thanks for that! the definition of tenacity, as far as im aware, does not actually correlate to an ability set in any characters bio. take AV for example: his description has "Tenacity" , but nowhere in his ability description is the word tenacity used. He has two passive abilities, with no elaboration. As far as players have all surmised, "tenacity" is the shrugging off of debuffs. Proven testing of this has occurred from both AV and collector, using AA and seeing the differences. There are also other aspects of the game this works on, but I am focusing strictly on champions at the moment. I also believe this works on CB, but can't find a duped one to duel at the moment of writing this to confirm this again soundly (his ability is "hydra training" and is essentially the same as king pins at a lower rate, but adds fury).
However, (and this brings me more to the point of what I would like confirmed by moderators or the game team) where is the confirmed translation of this ability? "Rage" from Kingpin is broken down into two portions of the ability: The portion where a debuff can be removed, using the same mechanism as AV, CB, Captain America -CW (with a skill champion on his team; debuff removal rate of 100% at max sig), etc, and then the potion which gives him an actual counter identified as "Rage". These seem exclusive aspects of the ability, and from a coding standpoint, as two different variables.
In short: I have never seen any ability tied to "tenacity" directly (if I missed something, please feel free to tag me and show me here or on Line), yet we have determined the types of effects it prevents directly. As all the mentioned characters have the same concept of removing debuffs, with inconsistent responses, I would like an official confirmation in regards to EXACTLY what tenacity is, and how the mentioned characters bypass it with the same concept in their ability kit.