Paragon 21 hrs too late...

DaSPI95DaSPI95 Member Posts: 8
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
A bit of an anti-rant post here.

I got back into the game in October (after a 2-year hiatus) as a Cavalier. In over amonth I worked my way to becoming Thronebreaker, which I was proud to finally accomplish. By the time I had heard of the 10 for 10 deadline, I thought that it would be impossible for me to become Paragon before the deadline.

A couple days later, Brian Grant started his new account challenge (McRomeo). After watching his progression, it kind of clicked that I might be able to clear Act 7 in under a week, and do it cheaply. By the time I got past Gwenmaster, I knew I would be able to do it... Except I didn't. I became Paragon 21-hours late, because I misunderstood the deadline as being the day that the new event quest begins (Dec 11, not Dec. 10).🙄

I was bummed, but I really couldn't blame Kabam. Idiot move not to read the details. I'm still very much content with receiving the throwing a breaker rewards, because I managed to overcome a challenge I believed was beyond my skill set.

Today, Kabam sent out compensations. Mine was in the form of two 7* Spideys. Honestly, I'm grateful for that. I feel my effort was validated, and I got something more that I expected. So, yeah, thanks. I can only imagine how stressful this season is, and how many complaints bombard you. I just want to say at least one summoner appreciates the work y'all are doing at Kabam.

Again, thank you.


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