Deathless piece/10th anniversary

Ladpcw78Ladpcw78 Member Posts: 97
Would of rather had played arena for 6 months to just dupe Winter Soldier but this is ****

I get in 7 stars aren’t the prize but its half the price as its the hooray we’re here.

This is the most boring, potion spend, to get a deathless piece right now


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,370 ★★★★★
    Can you be more specific about what you're complaining about? This is utter nonsense.
  • Ladpcw78Ladpcw78 Member Posts: 97
    Holiday challenge to get she hulk deathless piece

  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    Wong on titania path and you can do it for 10 revives or less
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