A realistic necro challenge run

As a summoner with mid skills, I thought I'll spend Atleast 30 revives on necro half challenges. But I was able to do cull's worthy + god challenge in less than 20 revives. I'll share my experience here.
7* r3 serpent duped
7* r2 titty duped
7* r1 wiger unduped
6* r5a abs man
6* r5a hercules
Used all max level boosts
General advice
Titty - serpent 1 revive.
Nothing much here. Get to sp3 first for increased charges and spam sp1. Try to stay at 10+ furies (in all fights) and throw some sp3 time to time. Don't dash back much against titania as the weaknesses reduce your damage. With fear you can prevent haymakers unblockable effect so you can parry it out and wait.
Aarkus - absman 2 revive
He can cheese the fight. Bait sp1s since he loves to hold sp2. Stay in magma
Os - herc + serpent 2 revives
Herc works really well for the fight. Took around 35% health, serpent did the remaining fight. Throw sp2 here since it can do a lot of damage.
Air Walker - abs man 1 revive.
Stay in uru, block (preferably parry) the last hit of sp1, and quit out if he activate the buff. Staying in uru is better since you wanna knock him down frequently.
Cap Britain - serpent 6 revives.
Bait sp2 since it's easier to dodge with reverse controls. Easily soloable.
Wiccan - titty 6 revives
This one is the hardest. I thought of bringing titania over hulk cuz of staggers which is a horrible idea. Can't parry since neutralize triggere incenerates if you dex even though you're buff immune (very fun) and you have to make sure Wiccan has a stagger up when he throws sp1. Titania's damage window is small but huge (sp3 + few heavies took 4-5% health everytime) so use it wisely.
Psycho - serpent and team 1 revive.
Serpent is great for the fight since he's immune to heal block and power lock. And for some reason his unblockable specials never failed even when psycho had control box - special.
Rewards : duped Joe and more sigs for attuma.
Very happy overall. The challenge is fun. Share you experiences as well
7* r3 serpent duped
7* r2 titty duped
7* r1 wiger unduped
6* r5a abs man
6* r5a hercules
Used all max level boosts
General advice
Titty - serpent 1 revive.
Nothing much here. Get to sp3 first for increased charges and spam sp1. Try to stay at 10+ furies (in all fights) and throw some sp3 time to time. Don't dash back much against titania as the weaknesses reduce your damage. With fear you can prevent haymakers unblockable effect so you can parry it out and wait.
Aarkus - absman 2 revive
He can cheese the fight. Bait sp1s since he loves to hold sp2. Stay in magma
Os - herc + serpent 2 revives
Herc works really well for the fight. Took around 35% health, serpent did the remaining fight. Throw sp2 here since it can do a lot of damage.
Air Walker - abs man 1 revive.
Stay in uru, block (preferably parry) the last hit of sp1, and quit out if he activate the buff. Staying in uru is better since you wanna knock him down frequently.
Cap Britain - serpent 6 revives.
Bait sp2 since it's easier to dodge with reverse controls. Easily soloable.
Wiccan - titty 6 revives
This one is the hardest. I thought of bringing titania over hulk cuz of staggers which is a horrible idea. Can't parry since neutralize triggere incenerates if you dex even though you're buff immune (very fun) and you have to make sure Wiccan has a stagger up when he throws sp1. Titania's damage window is small but huge (sp3 + few heavies took 4-5% health everytime) so use it wisely.
Psycho - serpent and team 1 revive.
Serpent is great for the fight since he's immune to heal block and power lock. And for some reason his unblockable specials never failed even when psycho had control box - special.
Rewards : duped Joe and more sigs for attuma.
Very happy overall. The challenge is fun. Share you experiences as well
Most of revive count was similar, except Britain, where i needed 1 for serpent.
I did wiccan with hulk stun lock and exit if he was at sp3.
Titania - Solo with Serpent
Aarkus - Solo with Abs Man in Magma form
OS - Serpent - 1 rev.
Airwalker - Solo Abs Man in uru
Cap britain - Serpent - 2 rev
Wiccan - Hulk - 4 revives
Psycho man - Serpent - 1 rev
Saving titan crystal, Got a Hawkeye dupe from 7* crystal. Working on the Mutant challenge next (Onslaught 7* R3 and 6*R5, Wags + Apoc + Sinister for filler and synergies).
Wait out for 7*?
One thing to note is, try to chain your specials with heavy when stunned. You can use relic stuns, or for aarkus you can punish his sp1 with heavy, then throw your sp2, so all your hits will be crits and deal huge damage. This is not needed but try to chain specials with heavy whenever possible.
Nvm, ignore. I see you answered this like two comments above. Thanks.
Also, is an unduped Serpent better than a duped serpent? I saw some people say this, but also never used him.
@Polygon I had a r3 hulk. If I had put his green science boost on the first fight instead of the second fight, it would have only taken two revives. Instead, it took three.
Sp2 then stun lock. I did have a 6*r2 duped hulk relic as well. It wasn't stressful at all, but I'd imagine Titania might be.
I found Serpent to not be hitting quite as hard as Odin, so ended up using Odin for Titania, OS, and Captain Britain. Abs Man made pretty quick work of Aarkus and Air Walker. Air Walker was surprisingly easy with him. Hulk did a good job on Wiccan, and then I found Serpent to do the best job on Psycho Man.
Probably used 30-35 revives, but I’m not a top tier player. Most of them were in overflow anyway. Will probably wait a week or two before I do the next one - just wanted to get the first done for the She Hulk piece and to get to one more Titan for Tuesday. Going to save my units for Banquet now.
My 7* pull was more sigs on my Chavez, so not bad.
6* relic is always best for these necropolis challenges? My hulk relic is a 5* but i have 6* cap/s99 relic. Cap relic may be good for blocking wiccans sp2 since you cant dex or block baitinf heavies since you dont want him to sp1 and cant parry.
I was boosted